Japan = the anglos of Asia

Here is why:
1) Mother nature seperated both these nations from their continent (because they are pure evil)
2) Commited multiple genocides agains the peoples of their continent (boer wars for anglos, nanking for japs etc. 2 lazy to make a gigantic list of all their genocides)
3) Degenerates who love the USA
4) The people of their continent hate them fiercly (Europeans hate anglos, East-Asians hate japs)
5) Builded an empire and lost it.

Attached: japanese denial.gif (1064x589, 980.66K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Japanese people aren't cool anymore because they are not a threat to the west. It's why they are liked. It's better to be modern China. Feared instead of "loved."

you're still an anglo

Attached: punching ur face.gif (336x318, 612.78K)


Attached: mao stronk.jpg (2048x1448, 209.8K)

lel ( ´,_ゝ`)y─━ =3

>muh war crimes

Attached: Fucking_Jap_War_Criminal_______.jpg (792x967, 489.81K)

Remember the 3 i mean 9 no shit 12 oh 20 wait 30 or was it 40 THE 60 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1585583126105.jpg (785x731, 295.41K)

have sex

Attached: Xiao Zhang.jpg (1280x720, 71.63K)

Q: Did "Nanking massacre" actually happen? I'm OOTL on the Japanese-Sino war, give me a quick rundown.

A: No, it didn't happen.
It was nothing more than warfare where the Japanese army slaughtered the KMT army including guerrillas in mass number.
Mao never even mentioned "Nanking massacre" in his whole life, because it was an irrelevant topic until the mid-1990s or so.

Japan conquered Nanking in 1937, the Chinese capital of the time, and that's all that matters to history.
It was glorious conquest for Japan, not a thing to be ashamed of.
China had to move its capital from Nanking (1928-1937) to Wuhan (1937) to Chongqing (1937-1945) to cope.

The Rape of Nanking (1997) was fabricated by Iris Chang as an afterthought, claiming to be "Forgotten Holocaust."
The cunt committed suicide in 2004, because she was mentally-ill and exposed as a scam.
You have to be a two-digit IQ to believe this chink-coping fantasy atrocity. Even if real, chinks deserved it anyway.

Attached: yes, nanking happened.jpg (1197x717, 552.49K)

Japan never was a threat to the West and nobody fears China, they are just currently annoying with their virus.

have sex

Attached: chink massage parlor.jpg (750x422, 59.23K)

The Allies heavily promoted atrocity propaganda in WW1 to demonize Germany: "German soldiers bayoneted a baby and mass-raped women in Belgium."
They got a taste of propaganda success and followed suit with WW2: "Japanese soldiers bayoneted a baby and mass-raped women in Nanking."
Even today, brainlets easily fall for these anecdotal atrocity stories.


Attached: Rape of Belgium.jpg (1624x1396, 1.19M)

Death to Japan and it's allies, Warsaw pact will return

Attached: saviors of europe.jpg (1900x1068, 883.32K)

>Muh bayoneted baby
Oldest propaganda trick in the book.

Babies on Bayonets - #PropagandaWatch

WW1 propaganda film: The beastly Hun rapes a nurse and throws a baby into the fire

>Korean victims of Hiroshima
USA will burn too
>Lai Dai Han
those are worst-koreans aka USA loving gooks

Attached: North Korean BVLL stumping Drumpfy.jpg (900x1200, 314.3K)

List of typical atrocity propaganda for brainlets:

- Bayonet a baby
- Cut open the belly of a pregnant woman
- Slice off women's titties
- Rape a nun in church
- Rape a nurse in hospital
- Human experiments
- Gas chamber / Zyklon B
- Soap made from Jews corpses
- Anne Frank's diary
- Crucified Armenian women
- Take babies out of incubators and leave them to die

- The ___ massacre
- Rape of ___
- * million victims
- "Innocent women and children"
- "Well-documented"

5 Biggest Hoaxes in History:
- Holohoax
- the Fake of Nanking
- Armenian genocide
- Nayirah Testimony
- Iraq's WMDs

Rape of Belgium was angloid propaganda to turn us against our german brothers, nanking was japs being anglos

Attached: ddr pepe.png (950x968, 388.41K)


Attached: varg 3d punch.gif (360x359, 1.41M)

Why don't we have any normal Japanese anons. Is it a psyop by Davido-kun to make us think Japs are all autistic retards who only seethe against Chinese and Korean?

>- Crucified Armenian women
I saw a photo about this.
I do not remember if they were women, but Turks indeed crucified Armenians.

The US air force killed 40,000 Chinese civilians in Wuhan during WW2

Bombing of Wuhan

>One week before Christmas in 1944, nearly 200 American planes raided the Chinese city of Wuhan.
>According to casualty statistics compiled by Hankou city in 1946, more than 20,000 were killed or injured, 7,515 buildings were bombed. Chiang Kai-shek in his diary admitted to 40,000.
>LeMay was pleased, declaring this his first experience with firebombing as a tactical weapon to be a successful experiment.

>The firebombing of Wuhan drew little attention internationally and was censored in the Chinese press.
>Compared with Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin and Qingdao, the destruction in Wuhan was considerably worse.

Attached: B-29_targets_from_China.jpg (622x780, 88.63K)

the US spread infected-fleas all over Korea and Northern China (=Neo-Unit 731).

>Koreans claim the US dropped bombs containing disease-carrying insects and food.
>The insects had been spread over a large area of farmland in Korea.
>Disease broke out in the village the following month.


Attached: neff_332629_1[556427].jpg (500x373, 82.37K)

We just behave as we are.
enjoy it

- Uglyest race in Europe
- Smallest dicks in Europe
- Subhuman Facial Features

- Uglyest race in Asia
- Smallest dicks in Asia
- Subhuman Facial Features

Attached: Screen-Shot-2016-12-23-at-2.30.37-PM.png (476x246, 126.65K)

t. chinkoid

Bend your neck down, I'll generously cut your boiling head off with my samurai sword. You ugly chink insect? kek

Attached: tumblr_lbr0ef5lo21qaoem1o1_1280.png (439x593, 578.97K)

Even tho most americans posting here are mutts, I believe this one is unironicly 100% white

You're country sells dirty 7 year old boys underwear in vending machines. Japs are subhuman. Cope.

At least China bans ultra-degenerate shit like that, even if it is a Fascist shithole.

Attached: 19204198-7529221-Gao_Yuan_a_music_conductor_at_China_s_People_s_Liberation_Army_h-m-56_1570023307939 (1).jpg (306x419, 27.83K)

What? ching chong? Sorry I don't understand an insect language. Speak human, you chincaust survivor?

Attached: we wuz Asian Auschwitz, MEI MEI CHUN MOY, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Samantha Quach, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Hang Yu, Amber Li.jpg (2890x2020, 3.15M)

Is that deformed crippled chinko an outcome of Ishii's experimentation in the Unit 731 lab??

Attached: 1565610576311.png (398x376, 175.94K)

>chincaust survivor

Attached: 1567501526725.jpg (720x696, 52K)

This seething is what happens when you have a tiny Japanese dick.

It's funny how Asian subhumans like you need to deflect to saying 'china bad' like an NPC. Japan and China are shithole countrys.

YOU ARE SUBHUMAN, nothing will change that you lost the genetic lottery.

Attached: 1588188047686.jpg (1300x953, 181.54K)

>Why yes, I'm an outcome of Mad Doctor Ishii's experimentation in the 731 lab, how could you tell?

Attached: MEI MEI CHUN MOY, CHRIS SUEN, KLYTIE XU, SALLY MA, Samantha Quach, Brenda Zhu, Jiyue Qiu, Hang Yu, Amber Li (1).webm (640x360, 1.77M)

Smell, you smell like the reddit chink born to Hong Kong mom. You chink insect? Wuhan coronavirus?

Attached: Eurasian Tiger 36 years old.jpg (1254x2346, 1.21M)


Hey bark, ching chong! Coronavirus chinco? kek

Attached: your_mom_Hong_Kong____.png (553x369, 374.29K)


Hey, stop making fun of physically-disabled people...
you are not funny...
you are just trying hard to be edgy...

Go ahead, keep making fun of chink tards, bro. LMAO