Why do some girls have the name of city in English? Paris, Sydney, Detroit, etc

why do some girls have the name of city in English? Paris, Sydney, Detroit, etc...

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Imagine being called Detroit


>tfw no gf called Dakota


is dakota a city?

It's state name, but I find it hot as fuck.

Americans are just retarded

so are you guys? it's a worldwide phenomenon

lmfao my sides
Brooklyn is a better example, ive met some texans named Dallas too (males).

Nah we got laws about naming your kids. Those names won't fly here

If you spell Detroit in french manner it sounds good.

I know a German girl named Asia

i think it only happens in English speaking countries. In Japan, some people have in their surnames (chiba, osaka, kobe, kawasaki, akita, and even Fukushima etc) but not first names

I'm pretty sure she is called Aisha m8

blooklyn sounds cool


even argentina is a female name.

I knee a girl named africa in school she was full aussie XD

if i know a girl called asia i'll fuck no matter how fat or black she is i'll fuck her

I "knew" one in HS/JH. She was a mullata I think. She was pretty tall, and hot in a nasty sort of way

nvm I take it back:
> The name Asia is a Biblical Names baby name. In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Asia is: Muddy; boggy.

It's a biblical name so I guess it's fine

was she from a bogan senpai?


Paris is a real Greek name

Yeah but he's a dude

no it doesn't

Kinda sounds like Destoroyah

Attached: D8SHgXUXUAAbLQS.jpg (1200x962, 238.35K)

Anglos also call their daughters India.

You have very weird names though.

Because some parents are retards.

t. Fresno McNewark

now serious question why is michael jackson's daughter white?

detroit means strait in french
as in the opposed of isthmus