What was like being captured by Japanese army during WW2??
What was like being captured by Japanese army during WW2??
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anthony bourdain lookin a little rough heh
I imagine it was extremely bad, schlomo shekelberg told me so
Better than Vietnamese girls gangbanged and killed by South Goreans
Literally me without even being captured by Japanese army.
I'm only attracted to Asian women.
Non-Asian women looks too old,manly,evil.
I consider non-Asian women to be dirty pigs.
Do you agree with me?
horrible, they were a bunch of barbarians during WWII
Yes. What a pure princess, please post more.
What's with Japs and Koreans and rape? Chinese and other Asians don't seem to have the same rape list as them.
>t. colonial oppressor, who was kicked out from his evil slaver plantation
Asian women make ugly sons.
damn who is she
This. Fuck colonizers.
>implying your cunt wouldn't have done the same
soon it will be ur turn to pick the cotton wh*te boi!
Imagine when japs themselves dont had enough food to eat, wtf they feed whitoids
japan be giving these niggas fresh hair cuts
The funniest thing is that they reported "Korean PoW guards were crueler than Japanese."
Very understandable considering that what gooks did in Korean/Vietnam wars.
they seem way better than Vietnamese whom South Goreans treated
And what do you guys think of the captured Dutch women ^^;
Japs are the lowest filth of humanity.
Looks way better than Vietnamese girls South Goreans gangbanged and killed
pic : a Vietnamese girl South Goreans gangbanged and killed
They look pretty hot. I would have done the same thing desu
Shit lol again forget the pic
Looks way better than Vietnamese girls South Goreans gangbanged and killed
pic : a Vietnamese girl South Goreans gangbanged and killed
Keep seething Kim then I can post without disposal by kimmy sentimental journey lol
Well they barely had enough food for their own soldiers soo it was shit
Maybe they hoped they are murdered as soon as they were captured:(
Thank god the japs have micro dicks.
we are talking about the Japanese here retard. The fact that we were colonial opressors doesn't make the actions of the Japanese less barbaric
it was much more than not feeding prisoners, tortre, rape, and much more
>Maybe they hoped they are murdered as soon as they were captured:(
I dont think so though, because South Goreans often dismembered Vietnamese apart and gangbanged and killed them.
So that must be unimaginable pain for them.
You better ask Vietnamese.
pic related: Vietnamese girl South Goreans played with
but you are not a colonial opressor, you are just a chink beaten the shit out of by Japanese men.
You dont know Japanese imperial army couldn't sustain supply route. and then they needed to eat weeds lol