Why are bl*ck and br*wnoids so weak compared to the white man?

Why are bl*ck and br*wnoids so weak compared to the white man?

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Don't know, maybe they are not keeping social distance.

pickle nigs getting BTFO by this virus lmaoo

little weak ass bitch black bois

because all the wogs in this country are fat inbreds.

Whitey colonised them and stole their antibodies.

The disease also kills many more men than women to the point it's mortality is linked to testosterone. It's most likely that due to having lower testosterone values white people handle the disease better

>to the point it's mortality is linked to testosterone.
What? Correlation is not causation, for God's sake.

except it's also killing pakis and east asians at a higher rate, and they have lower testosterone than whites

it's due to prevalence of ACE2 receptors most likely, all these other races have more than whites

>The disease also kills many more men than women to the point it's mortality is linked to testosterone. It's most likely that due to having lower testosterone values white people handle the disease better

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that's stupid logic and you're fucking stupid
fuck off

Probably this, it's one of the main reasons our immigrant neighourhoods have suffered the most in this pandemic

can't wait to hit the fakkin beers later

This virus too SPICY lmaoooo

And that's a good thing :)


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Lmao. Remember a couple of weeks ago when blacks were posting about how they where immune to corona and making fun of whitey

low test wh*toid hands typed this post out

>minorities are more likely to be poor, especially in USA I know Jim Crow Laws were a thing until the 60s, other bullshit as well continued
>poor = less healthy, less ability to quarantine or get help when sick, etc.
>brown and black people in general have cultures that have more social contact than say, anglos

t. mulatto making educated guesses

Wouldn’t have any effect on the death rate

This is death rate. Likelihood of getting infected is irrelevant.

By whom?
God I hate loaded language in reporting

Pakistan higher mmm I wonder if they are also the less likely to respect distance

british whites arent scandinavian, when im outside in my area they all try to come up and fist bump me n shit n ask me for cigarettes etc


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it's a message from Jesus they need to change their ways

its because hospitals and nhs tend to the care of wh*Toids first

institutionalised racism has been a thing since forever in the uk, why is this a surprise


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Black females have highest T levels than wh*Te """men""

wallahi my akhi

inject your estrogen, goy! Do you really want to be a potential danger for others??



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you little ayy lmaos have little to no T, which is why you get bullied by jareer

allow my akhs

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Poorer people eat more garbage and junkie fodd and are more likely to be fat, because of all the garbage they eat.
But now, if poor white Britons are also dying way less than poor immigrants than the only explanation left is something genetic.