Based china
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Well it's true. Taiwan was already getting their shit together in fucking January and it's not like the CCP was giving them secret inside information.
Why is there some wuxia lepin figure there? Is it like a source of national pride their cheap lego rip off blocks?
All of that is a lie
But I understand you need those 50 cents
Based china
t. zhang
Taiwan started preparing in December because the Taiwanese are tired of being fucked over by the mainlanders
source: am taiwanese
Chop chop chinco head! lmao
>P-p-plz don't kill me, Japan! I-I-I don't wanna dieeeee, ching chong chang aiyaaaaaaaa!!!!!
What did chinks mean by this?
Hey stop it already, it's just a matter of time before 5 cent chink bots LARP as GIs, and spam "Muh Stronk Murica!" pics to cope. lol
>we discovered
More like we tried to cover it up intil it blew over to the rest of the world and only then we took notice
Fucking mouthbreathing animals
han genocide when
My state is opening up tomorrow
>eat bushmeat
>spread like it wildfire
>"here is some tips bro"
fuck off
you forgot
>withholds information for months, lets it spread around the world and only admits that it exists after enough pressure
Is it true that even Churchill and Stalin said that China made no contribution to the war?
Based. Elon Musk is going to make COVID great again!
You made no contribution to the war by not killing enough chinkoids
>1944 was a victorious year for the US/Allies, dominating both European & Pacific theaters, however, that was not the case with the Chinese theater.
>KMT army was still losing to the Imperial Japanese army, and China faced the biggest defeat in Operation Ichi-Go (December 1944).
>While FDR was blindly defending China, Churchill pointed out that Chinese combat power was weak, and Stalin pointed out that China made little contribution to the war.
Any proof that china covered it up for month. Or is it just cope?
ye it's normal to eat bats i forgot
>noooo, you can't eat this food I don't like. daddy government please stop him from eating it!!!!
>source: am taiwanese
No, you're not Taiwanese. You've been caught samefagging and replying to yourself in other threads, even shooping other flags in screenshots of your own replies to make your posts look like they're from other people. You literally act exactly like a CCP wumao shill.
I actually talk to Taiwanese almost every day. And as for your point about December, Taiwan was aware of the situation and started inspecting passengers from Wuhan for fever. But it was in January that they started the travel restrictions, banning Chinese tour groups, banning the export of masks and implementing mask rationing, monitoring quarantined individuals electronically, etc.
And here's the fucking source:
Wang CJ, Ng CY, Brook RH. Response to COVID-19 in Taiwan: Big Data Analytics, New Technology, and Proactive Testing. JAMA. 2020;323(14):1341–1342. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.3151
(Supplement eTable has the full list of actions Taiwan took from December to mid/late February).
all of those are anti-china newspapers
>Chinese ventilators that ministers heralded as vital to the NHS’s efforts to tackle Covid-19 were badly built, unsuitable for use in hospitals and potentially dangerous for patients, it has emerged.
>All of the devices in a consignment of 250 ventilators that arrived from China on 4 April posed such serious problems that they could not be used and were ditched.
>Reporting the truth is anti-X
literally everything in those articles are literally just opinions pieces based on nothing. like the senator is saying WHO is covering up for China, even though there's no evidence of that happening, or the first article, how is China covering up the death toll when they're saying more people dying than previously thought. more people have died in Italy and Spain than being reported, are those countries also covering up deaths?
Indeed, base china.
They forgot like 15 steps before that:
>Did you guys discover a new virus
>China: No
>people still spreading western imperialistic propaganda, for free
Neoliberal slaves.