say something nice about china Yas Forums
Say something nice about china Yas Forums
Cringemericans seething
you built a lot of railways in a short amount of time
It's good at killing Chinese
They did nothing wrong.
I have nothing bad to say about this ethnosupremacist fascist state of over 1 Billion people, they are good folk. thank you for the cheap smartphone my friends!
They have some pretty landscapes, like Guilin
I want to fuck a Chinese princess
they have 1984 type cool draconian laws
>They did nothing wrong.
I unironically admire their "I don't give a shit what you think" attitude.
much better than japan
They care so much though. If they didn't care, they wouldn't turn into frothing lunatics every time someone criticizes them.
Makes western faggots seethe
They are the only ones pushing the world forward into the future. They have vision and optimism for the future, meanwhile the west has been comfortable in its stagnation and decay for decades.
They are the only non-whites that are actually a threat to whites.
One day they will conquer the illegitimate regime occupying the mainland
They are absolutely based at dealing with m*slims
I really, really, really like what they eat there.
They lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty
take care chinese friends
instead of bat you can eat safe food dolphin and whale
What could possiblye go wrong?
Unironically the next superpower. If they stay with their strategy of only harassing their direct neighbors and only economically dominating the rest, it's a step up from the US who will send their army to the other side of the planet to kill people.
They are helping with population control.....
China is a threat to world peace
Fuck off
Thank you for destroying the evil empire
Chinese pussy is good
Interesting history, cool culture (what's left of it) and delicious food.
They probably do that because doing any less would make them stand out and suspect to their peers.
Internally they might agree.