Assassin's Creed Valhalla Trailer

Why the hell are anglo-saxons the villains? They are just defending their land from heathen and barbaric hordes.

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>generic skyrim game


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>AssCreed game has shit politics
Spoiler alert: the Templars were literally good guys who did nothing wrong and were framed by France and the Pope. AssCreed has been bullshit propaganda from the beginning.

Oh I'm sorry was that your eye

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They made the saxons swarthy AHAHAHHAAHAHAHA

that wasnt very honorable of him

anyway, wasn't the core of Ass Creed to parkour among historical buildings in ancient cities and assassinate important people? Wtf is this shit?


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imagine being so braindead you're able to enjoy video games past the age of 18

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Yeah I expect it to be full of cringe like this, they even stole a line from the tv show vikings kek

>Anglo Saxons are Christians and boring, ergo they are bad
>Vikangz are Pagans and Nordics today are progressive, therefore they are good
You have to think like a Quebecois Millenial, OP.

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>horned helmet
>fjord directly copied from the Vikings TV show
>ships in the fog ALSO copied from Vikings
>no battle strategy but run into each other and 1v1 enemies
>Christians are the bad guys
Thank you Ubisoft for anticipating so much butthurt

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What else is there to enjoy in life? Fantasy books and video games is my life.

This can barely be called Assassin's Creed anymore...They should have made a whole new series. Give me back my parkour in based Renaissance cities instead.

Can't wait to jump between flag masts on my Viking fleet

what's your favorite of the series?
mine is Revelations

No, it's more boat simulator.

video games are not enjoyable unless you're very simple


Guess I am very simple then. Thank fuck.

>anglos are the antagonists
>game made by french company

Exactly what I was thinking the whole time. The franchise is just a thing to take cool historical settings and make them into a boring by-the-numbers open world game with no flavor while also cramming that Assassins/Templars crap into it because the brand wills it.

>boat simulator.
I've been waiting for this

2, nothing else comes close, maybe just Brotherhood and 1. I wonder who keeps playing these stupid games

because le ebin vikangz are epic xD

finally i can get to kill angl*s, just like in assassins creed 4 and 3

Basically Ass Creed lost it's point after Ezio's trilogy, it just became "What location can we do next", and now it's like an annual release game with no soul.

So am I.

based ubi, just look how much anglos are seething on Yas Forums, good shit

ViKANGS were the good guys, deal with it

I miss Ezio

They have Soul, well Origins and Odyssey did, well the parts in the Animus did the modern parts are still all shitty and I wish they'd drop it.

what's going on with the real world stuff? I only know that Desmond died

Cant wait to kidnap women from Britain and Ireland as slaves and use them for breeding to populate Iceland

absolutely based

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