In Brasilien oder in Deutschland Ich kampf gegen die rote Pest, Ich kampf für die Zukunft der weiß kinder

in Brasilien oder in Deutschland Ich kampf gegen die rote Pest, Ich kampf für die Zukunft der weiß kinder.


Attached: ubermensch and untermensch.jpg (640x905, 57.07K)

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Ich auch. Ich werde immer auf die der deutsche seite sein. Ich sympathisere mit dem deutsche kampf.

Heil Kamaradem.

I would argue that south america is the new center of rightist to facist ideology, this needs to be cobatted I am grateful for every brave anti-facist in south america

ich wii nie wieder an der seite von Deutschland sein.

In Deutsch bitte.

Integrate or leave, diasporafag.

Auf Deutsch


I am a former antifa and formerly affiliated with Liberty and Socialism Party (PSOL).
Your so beloved antifas are opening their eyes and becoming the very thing they sworn to destroy.

Attached: and you pay me for that job with your taxes.png (581x720, 538.07K)

wette ihr seid nicht mal weiss

You were an imbecile and you continue being an imbecile.

You are just using Google translate. You are a mutt who can only master half a language. Go kill yourself, make everyone a favour.

There's no problem, we are not racists.
We celebrate diversity.

Attached: most multicultural army.jpg (1600x1200, 543.71K)

I took four years of this shit in high school and I was a below average student, but still better than you'll ever be, squarehead.

Zu viel Aufwand ich sage nur eins: Menschen sollten zusammenarbeiten nicht gegeneinander. Faschismus führt zu Krieg und sozialen Rückschritt
I dont think that most antifa actions are perfect most of them are doing things in a misguided way. But, at least they are working against agents of an evil ideology that promises to kill everyone they deem inferior

I never had German in school. Why are you replying me? I told you to go kill yourself.

>But, at least they are working against agents of an evil ideology that promises to kill everyone they deem inferior
Actually they the opposite, they work for the jews.

Attached: Jew no one knows.jpg (932x776, 74.12K)

lern deutsch du hurensohn

Attached: talmud-verse.png (480x360, 283.48K)

I am.

nazis sind untermenschen

Ah, good. You did not reply to me anymore. You finally came to your senses, mutt.

>in Brasilien oder in Deutschland Ich kampf gegen die rote Pest, Ich kampf für die Zukunft der weiß kinder.

Attached: 1588344097887.jpg (743x413, 25.36K)

>rote Pest
Communism is dead
>Weiße Kinder
"White" people is a constructed identity

White is a vague term. Caucasian is not however.

> Ich kampf für die Zukunft der weiß kinder.
Get BLACKED monke

Attached: 1588104111011.png (607x598, 229.77K)

>Communism is dead
I wish.
Are you racist?

Attached: hitler3.jpg (1920x1440, 401.52K)

Ich kämpfe auch für die Zukunft von Waisenkindern, aber der Sozialismus ist die beste Lösung dafür. Frohen 1. Mai Genossen!

Don't worry kike, we will turn that around.

Attached: Tracking white decrease.jpg (995x889, 102.81K)