/v4/ + balk

T-90 edition

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Blessing this thread.

Attached: 1588248187494.jpg (849x1200, 107.64K)


Stealing this image.

It's all yours senpai.

Attached: __suzumiya_haruhi_suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu_drawn_by_haruhisky__fa13220ef107e4e2ed66ce36b0d508a3.jpg (1200x849, 633.3K)

>Man, I just heckin' love me my animerinos.

Attached: 600px-Gigachad.png (600x321, 88.4K)

I keep getting rejected by potential publishers

thats a cool tank

What are you trying to publish?

An article in a journal

That's cool, what is it about? (You don't have to be specific)

Actually about The office (UK)


Visegrad expansion when?

When you give free Slovenian gfs to my Magyar brothers.

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*takes a trami in the middle of the thread*
*goes back to watching anime*
Later, alligator

why don't /v4/ posters like Pis?

Attached: gf-kSmX-XYur-xaSf_magdalena-ogorek.jpg (2755x1665, 1.04M)

Im so fuking lonely

i don't like them because they limit my freedom (being able to shop on sundays) and because of what they turned state-tv into

Good on you for creating Becherovka, Czechbros
That is some fine shit

HATE Becherovka
HATE Jägermeister
HATE Unicum
HATE Zubrowka


>Casually listen to Hej Sokoły.
>It's popular in Poland and Ukraine, of course there's going to be at least one Slovak cover...
There is...


... I'm sorry, Poland. But these guys did well.

not so bad, good for folkfests and parties in general

I don't like it because they completely changed the lyrics, but the melody sounds cool :)

Gigachads are the end result of an animal species living in such abundance the the only evolutionary pressure is female sexual selection.

Attached: real_life_gigachad.jpg (1200x960, 208.18K)

it do be like that

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is that how it is with seals?

men are the dogs of humanity while women are the cats of humanity

plenty of liquor in the world so i can afford to be picky

One might wonder why sexes in for example eagles or swans are so similar. Well, nobody has an answer, but my theory is that there are no neuromales among these birds, only lesbian females and lesbian transfemales who naturally pass. Transexualism and female homosexuality is the only way animal species can escape the fate that befell the elephant seal.