/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends

A million happy suns edition

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someone please kill me

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nvm im good

>nuclear holocaust
now we can become kangz again

please vote

Based preemptive strike edition

It's very clearly not

we didnt need euros anyway


ok I'll change it tomorrow

a real american hero

a little under 7 hectares of hilly somewhat gravelly land. i don't know how many acres that is. it's quite a pain to till, especially considering i do not have modern farm equipment as they use in the west. tilling, plowing, cultivating, harrowing, these kinds of things, they take a very long time to do. but i make sure to do them as effectively as possible to get the soil in peak condition, as well as using manure and high nitrogen fertilizers to ensure i have the best soil for many ways around. another way of encouraging the soil quality of course is crop circling and these kinds of things. thusly my crops have the best environment possible in the mountainous region of here. i tend to micromanage many of the crops which is soil intensive and requires often replenishment but vastly increases yield. i grow wheat, barley, corn, rice, and sometimes tobacco or cotton, though these can be riskier some times. also occasionally they will have rare exotic seeds in the bazaar such as blackberry seeds which i generally will buy and use a small patch for. i used to grow potatoes but in the last while china and a few other countries increased production enormously so they are very difficult to make a profit when growing unless you are a large farmer. i usually still grow a patch but just for personal usage and for friends as well, rather than to sell

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peeing on your plants is good for them once in a while

Sometimes, I pee so hard, I rip this skin

do you use horses for tilling the land or do you do it manually?

i'm not happy about trading zadar for the budget mongol but it's acceptable because he's a farmer

Repostin for Ohio in the right thread

did you find the job after you got to to NZ or before?

i have one horse that i use for it, though i help push and guide it as it moves. when it comes to planting seeds i do it myself, i dont have a horse drawn machine to help with that and the ones i've tried to build are pretty ineffective(seeds coming out in clumps and these things)

>tobacco or cotton
based and southronpilled
one of my personal favorites. They grow wild here along fence rows

Do you have any livestock?

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>fuckton of free perks
v nice. I was hired as maintenance on a dude ranch in colorado for this summer but the rona cockblocked me
it cost like $3000 for a weekend for guests and employees could do most the stuff for free
Yurosphere cunts are blessed with having hostels, be grateful for them it is impossible to travel here in the summer unless you camp all the time or have tons of money

>break already over
back to the apple grading conveyor belt with you

tobacco and cotton are actually decent-sized exports of kyrgyzstan. kyrgyz businessmen visiting western north carolina during the early 1910's purchased a large number of seeds, seeing how well they grew in the smoky mountains and wanting to be the russian empire's primary supplier of tobacco. it's also where the soviets got a large part of their tobacco from, and china for a time as well, though china began growing huge amounts of tobacco and squeezed us out of the market, much as how they did with potatoes as well. as for livestock, i own some chickens, but that is about all. i used to own some pigs but had to sell them some years back due to a really bad harvest. pests had seriously damaged parts of the crops, and that year potato, corn, and tobacco prices took a steep drop as chinese production hit a huge spike. potato prices had been slowly rising the last few years so for the first time in a while i tried growing a large number of potatoes... due to the spike things went poorly. not a great year but we did go on a road trip to myanmar earlier that year which was nice

I'd like to go horseback riding in Kyrgyzstan

Your life sounds pretty comfy
Sometimes I feel like I'd enjoy doing something similar but the way farms work out here you would never make enough money on 7 hectares.

it's comfy, but takes an enormous amount of physical and mental work to maintain, especially here where the soil is bad and the chinese can pour in cheap produce at any time... i still enjoy it overall of course

>after years my dreams of carpet bagging are finally coming true

feels good my soon to be fellow southerners

rate my town

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what do you mean? are you moving to the south?

good town
town/10 would town again

>and the chinese can pour in cheap produce at any time
Yeah that would suck
The Chinese meddle in our agriculture all the time too, though it's more by using their power as consumers than as actually out-competing us as producers. One of our major exports to the east used to be canola, but a while ago the Chinese just decided that they were gonna stop buying it from us and all of a sudden tons of farms were losing hundreds of thousands of dollars because their main crop was made effectively worthless. Lots of people are switching over to lentils now because of it.

Dude I don't want to scare you but I think you might be living in a video game

no way

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yeah, pretty much received a job offer in Chattanooga.

yeah, their agricultural output is so much vastly bigger than kyrgyzstan that they can easily just crush entire domestic markets in a series of days. especially since naryn was declared a free trade zone, only makes it easier

Talking to a Cuban is extremely frustrating. We both speak the same language but can barely understand eachother properly.

why the need for such a big highway? 3 overpasses to said highway? how can such a small town afford such infrastructure?


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Is this a model of your hometown?

no, that would take way too much effort
still expanding, the empty area next to the unfinished highway will be a new industrial zone

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