/med/ - olive oil general

Aka Mediterranean, aka coomer general. Invited: all Mediterranean countries. Also welcome: Any country that produces olive oil and wine, as well as the UK, native Americans and elves.

Food edition.

What's your favourite food to eat /med/? Favourite meal to prepare? Favourite cuisine? Do you remember the best meal you've ever had, maybe?


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Hello fren

sup lads

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>What's your favourite food to eat /med/?
Don't have one
Favourite meal to prepare?
I've made sfiha before
>Favourite cuisine?
Our cuisine is pretty good
>Do you remember the best meal you've ever had, maybe?
Nope. I enjoy pretty much all my meals equally, or hate them

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Dubs and MaltAnon become her baby.


so fucking close
i'm rolling too

Oh my
Fucking cruel

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>What's your favourite food to eat /med/?
>Favourite meal to prepare?
Honestly, I don't really prepare my food unless I'm eating bread.
>Favourite cuisine?
Local, maybe.
>Do you remember the best meal you've ever had, maybe?

Today's title

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she seems like she's fucked in the head

>What's your favourite food to eat /med/?
hard to pick one single food, but I'll go with spaghetti I guess
>Favourite meal to prepare?
rice and scrambled eggs, it's the easiest
>Favourite cuisine?
Portuguese, gotta root for the home team
>Do you remember the best meal you've ever had, maybe?
best meal I've ever had was a simple Beef and white rice after getting surgery, felt like I was starving because of the fasting and ate the whole thing in under two minutes

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>all these people ITT that are unable to cook a proper meal
why are moids so bad with basic life skills?

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cute cow

mom does everything


why are you calling my ex cute

why don't you try helping?

We let our mother do the cooking in true /med/ fashion.

you're an adult user, you should learn to cook
it's such an underrated skill desu

An emoticon meant to resemble the act of saluting another person. May also be used as 07.
I know how to cook, I just answered your question.

ok based then

This is my meal

Do you fish?

I learned to cook because my mother's cooking fucking sucks and I want to enjoy food, not just eat whatever pile of crap I have in front of me just so I fill my stomach.

She is lying about her age though.

What would you say her age is?

please don't compare cute cats to bitchy exes
it's a bit rude...

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If it wasn't for my strict paternal grandma mom wouldn't have know how to cook most of the food dad brings.
I learned to cook because I found myself doing recipes mom never bothered to.
My cooking skills are limited, like I never got sardines and fried them by myself before.


I'll take it

I'm not an adult.
Oh, ok. Salutations then.
I don't care about food that much and my mother knows how to cook.

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O-ok, I just didn't want you to get lied to.

based T posing chad imposing his cat superiority

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