Is it possible to ask what they think of us without them mentioning Brexit or being some "Gott Strafe England" retard?
Is it possible to ask what they think of us without them mentioning Brexit or being some "Gott Strafe England" retard?
>what they think of us
literally who are you?
No, because they are just far too based for that
Brexit demonstrated that Brits are retards who buy into populist lies about Germany and thus our opinion on your lowered a lot
what do you think about us?
Don't like you folks. You're just as bad as the frogs, the only advantage you have over them is that you at least try to speak american.
Most German flags are indeed huge retards
See my thread from a few minutes ago
>look I'm one of the good ones!!!!
cringe, kys
Why do you even care you obsessed mong
now fuck off
You guys are based in my book for inventing football
Are you the british female?
Don't you guys mock us like 24/7?
>triggering Uruguayans
they almost doesn't exist here
Shut up retard this is Yas Forums everyone is always making enquiries about other countries
Most people I know don't really think much of Germans, nor do I think they have any sort of rivalry against you people. Although if I am to make fun of Germans to someone they'd probably laugh along and make fun of you for being Nazis
i have german friends and they rarely talk about the uk without brexit being mentioned. i think it really hurt them
they're probably baffled at how retarded it is and who can blame them?
they think brits got manipulated basically
fuck brits :^)
Your best hope is to get a german "joke" as an answer.
Why do you post under this flag expecting to convince people you're an ethnic Brit?
Why is that my best hope?
i'd post a hand and red passport but i have better things to do with my life than win over submental kippers brainwashed by russian propaganda
Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der Straße, und von vas assaulted...peanut.
germany made the perfect virus to eradicate angloids, somehow the upside down anglos avoided it but china will finish off the job, well done germany
Most Western men, are progressives and feminists. If they wish to identify with women, then they should be treated like women. Where they are caught, they should be subjected to beating, mutilation and sexual assault
It's the mysterious hungarian again
>than win over submental kippers brainwashed by russian propaganda
Lmao you're definitely not a Brit
- English comes from there, which is now used almost everywhere
- Their currency is worth more than a euro or usd, so that makes it appear valuable
- Some colleges looks nice and have nice school uniforms
- Absolutely dystopian SURVEILLANCE with cameras everywhere and posters to remind you that you have no rights
- TV license with public shaming on posters
- Police not allowed to have guns
- You need to show your license to buy a fucking spoon or butter knife
- Their "cuisine" looks really weird and unappetizing
- Their teeth
- They are the reason we have to learn "British English" in schools, instead of the more based "American English"