Is this what vikingz actually looked like ?

Is this what vikingz actually looked like ?

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he's a descendant of Yakub

I'm starting to think there were more black vikings than white

He is descended from the Romans.

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he's an arab trader you fucking retard

there's a reason it's possible to find arabic silver coins here

Vikings were brown people.

yeah, just take a look at a random nordic class

Oh fuck, are we gonna get Ibn Fadlan and the Kievan Rus? That'd be sweet.

Is the victorian nigger actually accurate?
Brits did use indians as colonial troops during the period but idk if they did it with the blacks too

probably some trader or son of a thrall or something

Why is he ugly?

The only major, historical black community in the UK was based around Liverpool, and where almost exclusively sailors or in associated professions.

That is Odin, I saw him in Thor 2 he was also black there

Yeah haven't you seen modern sweden?

>arab trader
>wearing the same garb as the vikings

Of course

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History is a whitewash

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You're from Tunisia and don't know that they traveled as far south as North Africa?

Based. I yearn the day when all traces of wh*toid existence are erased from the face of the Earth.

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What's that supposed to mean ?

U r 0,00000001% voiking

He looks north African so 100% accurate.

We'll never really know but if they traveled that far south then it's within reason to assume that they picked up some swarthy north African kid and raised him up as a viking. I doubt it though and including him is obvious pandering and I don't like it but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Pretty smart to make him look just light enough so that criticizing it will make you look like a sperg. If they had made him vanta black like they probably wanted to it would have been obvious to everyone how retarded it is. These people are learning

That's not how north africans look like, he literally looks like an american white-negro mutt

I mean, was there a black equivalent of the sepoys?
Otherwise I don't see much sense putting them in redcoats.

>white-negro mutt
What are North Africans

As expected from an american

Probably existed in Africa

All jokes aside I'm looking at photos of Tunisians and there are quite a few that look like the guy in the OP. Maybe your family/town has more fair skin and straighter hair but there are definitely people that look like that guy.

bbc loves bbc

He does look nafri. Not saying all or most nafris look like that, but if I saw someone like this in the streets I would assume he's moroccan.

I just checked and it's unlikely that troops from africa actually wore the redcoat as field uniform since the official corps for them were formed after it was phased out, although maybe they would have worn them as a dres uniform.
On the other hand apparently the caribbean colonies did have blacks regiments wearing redcoats.
Still not very common tbf.

I'd assume dominican, the guy on the pic looks like he has a broad nose insead of the typical moroccan semitic nose

Nah he doesn't, especially not like a 9th century one before middle ages slave trade

Dominicans are darker. But my second option would be some latam mutt, yes.
Quite irrelevant if they existed in those places or not anyways, since we don't know where the bbc guy is supposed to be and if I had to bet I would say Waterloo or the american revolution, both incorrect.