/cum/ - Canada US Mexico

'go 'za edish

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Scratchass and Jannu are both perfect.

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i wanted there to be a hunger games vidya in middle school, so i guess i should be a millioniare, too. but seriously, a graphic hunger simulator with minors killing each other would be way better than this cartoon dancing bullshit.

business idea: show about two men ejaculating into a petri dish and then the camera using a super powerful microscope to watch the sperms fight each other and winner moves up to the next round. call it the semen coliseum

They call me kid slapper because I slap kids.

>*hunger games simulator

Official thread theme


chicago is the best place to study economics

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bros someone made ANOTHER thread about new jersey
that makes like 4 these last three weeks!

do you love New Jersey?

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I really wanna try deep dish some day. Makes me so hungry to look at.

Really makes you think huh?

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that's a terrible idea. we should have the two men try and inseminate a real woman and the winner gets to impregnate her while the loser takes care of the child support.


When I went to new jersey I saw a j word for the first time.

Hate new jersey.

thats lame women are cringe bro reevaluate your life

milton friedman was a gay retard

in retrospect, Wayward Pines wasn't a bad show.

>I saw a j word for the first time.

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Land of the morning
Child of the sun returning
With fervor burning
Thee do our souls adore.

Land dear and holy
Cradle of noble heroes
Ne’er shall invaders
Trample thy sacred shores.

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we can still call it the SEMEN COLISEUM though. i'm gonna trade mark this idea with the US patent office.

>tfw you successfully derail a thread
cue music

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stayed at a hotel in new jersey where all the windows were popped out besides the room windows, total shithole and also the mexican construction workers gave me bad directions but I was smart enough to realize they were fucking with me through their broken english

>Montgomery PA white alone 79.6%
>Medina OH white alone 95.7%

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i want to try go za i've never had it and don't know where to get it in my area. would probably have to make it myself

I already wrote down the idea and sent it to myself in a sealed envelop so goodluck bro ill sue you and take you for all your worth

did you go to camden? you don't know what a shithole is till you've been to camden

if they had broken english then that means they probably didnt understand you in the first palce

and yet we have more asians by far, as has been established.
so much delicious indian/fillipina/chinese/etc. pussy

Camden County, NJ is 55.9%

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indians aren't asian

no this was right outside of NYC

>so much delicious indian/fillipina/chinese/etc. pussy

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>indians aren't asian

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thought experiment: if you were a european historian from 600 years ago who magically got a history book from today, and you knew that a race existed (but didnt know they were europeans) and did all the things europeans have done since then and the consequences of those actions, you'd hate europeans.

Camden sounds like a retarded person trying to say Canada

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Newark or Jersey City perhaps
all bonafide shitholes

Yes, but the knowledge that it was my race matters.

for all practical purposes we understand asian as east and southeast asian while indians are just indian, or south asian or desi

ordered a pizza there and saw a massive rat running around in the kitchen

i bet it was newark lmoa

I hear it cooks well in home ovens at least

you can't turn left in jew jersey you have to turn right and do a 180 like in zoolander

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I classify asians as JOMON and yayoi.

last thread had 64 posters

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jomons are subhuman

Jew yorkers could never produce such SOUL

they're smart and they dont commit crimes and their country is adjacent to china, therefore they're asian

JOMON are Aryans, your mother fucks dogs.

Need some happy music. I feel depression setting in

Had some tequila and boy do I feel good

F in the chat for all my tocharian niggaz

I like kmfdm

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me too. symbols is their best album.

why does crime get people so butthurt

i live 2hrs away from manchester


thoughts on this CPT?


you ever been? you should come see our illegal gambling machines

you've never had a pizza until there's minkia juice all over. AUTHENTIC JERSEY.

i have not, i have a goal to visit as many places in new england as i can, so maybe one day.

can't wait until weed is legal in my state so i can by indica. all this sativa i keep getting from dealers gives me insomnia and the comeback is very aggravating.



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this always perks me up


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not a whole lot to see here I don't think unless you see something at the stadium or go bar hopping or visit some other event.

ever go to OEC in oxford? you should some day

we could meet eachother haha. kidding, kinda afraid to meet people from here, no offense ofc.

He's more Aryan than many "Italians", but not more European. Varg is a silly man and says wacky stuff sometimes.

not really in the mood for a Debate. i think they'd be disgusted by our trajectory but for completely different reasons than current year libtards and cuckservatives

You ever just lay in bed and think about how much time you’ve wasted? Scares the hell out of me

I don't even add people on steam from Yas Forums but it would be cool to have a weekend binge party with the /cum/ buds haven't had a weekend of bingeing with friends in awhile

i haven't, is it cool? used to got to breweries events with my friend, but he moved to MA

You ever just lay in bed and think about how billions of people are raised and taught to hate God and wallow in sin and their souls will be damned for all eternity because of the malicious satanic elite that rule the world?

best brewer in ct by far
i used to go to nebco in woodbridge a lot too

same, ale is the only person i have added on stuff but i trust her a lot.

My belly is so big. I've swallowed so many korean midgets alive that it's not even funny.

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>billions of people are raised and taught to hate God
when does this happen?

I'm reading about giant trees theories. Interesting.

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