Why do americans bring their guns at every 'civil' protests they go? Do they expect to be shot...

Why do americans bring their guns at every 'civil' protests they go? Do they expect to be shot? Or are they going to start shooting people? But shooting and killing people would instantly cancel their initial goal of going back to work. Maybe they want to shoot the virus? Can anyone explain?

Are americans just stupid?

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Why not?

no, because the leaf mind is not used to thinking of guns as a cultural symbol. The gun in american culture is a culturally held as a device to withstand against tyranny. It's symbolism in that has it's roots in the american revolution.

When americans bring their guns to a protest, its an appeal to democracy, freedom, and their nearly sacred right to bear arms.

By bringing a gun to a protest, the american mind seeks to let the government know that they are using their rights, and that the people are just as powerful as the government.

Yes, there are problems with that mentality, but there's a lot to be admired about it as well.

Only white conservatives do that. Last time anti-israel leftists did the same thing Ronald Reagan forced the first assault weapons ban through the California state legislature.

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btw, this is in contrast the canadian mentality which is all about not stirring the pot, being pleasant and contributing to civil society. Canadians think that as long as they're pleasant, the government will be pleasant too.

Americans think that if they get soft, the government will get tougher.

Who look more badass like...these guys??

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Or THESE guys?

I don't even own a gun...but I know that if I go to a protest I will look cool if I have a cool gun with me.

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So you admit it's just /k/ posters being attention whores.

>shilling for the anti-white Trump movement
lol only if you are a cuck

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>muh Trump movement
I know there are Trump supporters in the protest but the protest themselves aren't "a Trump movement".
Most Trump supporters support lockdowns. Don't even know what you mean by "anti-white".

I mean...most American gun enthusiast don't post on /k/

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It is 100% a trump thing. This is because Trump has been so ineffective at achieving his own campaign promises that the only thing the has to campaign on nowadays is muh economy (which is currently dead.) These golems are quite literally trying to sacrifice whites so Trump and his adopted people can survive off of our labor. Pic extremely related.

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They might be right (about their government), but we're probably also right (about our government)
And it doesn't extend just to governments. Everyone is out polishing their boots for the express purpose of stepping on you with it, whether it's banks, large corporations, some police stations, startups... You name it, they've got a bone to pick with individual civil liberties, because not having totalitarian control over their platforms makes their lives harder.
Looking at it from a purely practical standpoint it's easy to see why everyone except for the individual trend towards authoritarianism, but it's exactly for that reason you shouldn't pretend everyone won't stick their boot up your ass if you let them.

Best leaf post I've ever seen in a decade

their way of thinking is something like this "hurrr durr don't tread on me!"

>i'm upset, therefore, i must bring my gun to show how upset i am


Most Trump supporter support the lockdowns though???

>sacrifice whites
Yeah kill em

They're posturing. A man playing soldier with his gun, open carry license and all the extra accoutrements 'storming' a government building? It's the american wet dream

Yet these people never stand up against the government, even when its boot is on their neck. Really makes you think...

>open carry license
It's called the Second Amendment


Speaking out IS standing up.
Making the government fear the people, one homemade sign (or twitter tweet, if you are a leftoid) at a time.

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>making the government fear the people
They are literally protesting in support of Trump's government you dumbass leftoid.

Reminder that these protests only happened in places that had anti-trump electoral upsets. Totally just a coincidence though.

The same Trump who's guidelines for lockdown lifts urge a much more gradual approach than what most states are taking and who just bashed Sweden's herd immunity strategy on twitter today????

You say so.

There are more creature comforts available to a man in America than anywhere else on the planet. As long as they aren't being taken away you can get away with removing all kinds of other shit. Look at what these cunts are protesting for: haircuts, beaches and re-opened malls. The guns are only there to complete an image.

100% correct

>It's called the Second Amendment

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>When americans bring their guns to a protest, its an appeal to democracy, freedom, and their nearly sacred right to bear arms.
America is not a democracy you retarded liberal piece of communist filth. We are a republic. Even Trump wants to ban bumper stocks.

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Guns are legal in the capitol building so they arent even doing anything that rebellious

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Only if you are "white" and pro-israel. Pic related made the NRA support the first gun control measure in America during the 60s. I guess anti-white faggots are afraid of having the brains scrambled by based Black BVLLS.

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I bought my first 3 firearms under the Obama administration tbqh. I built another under Trump and bought one more with the stimulus check while working 5 days a week during the pandemic under naughty Northams governorship. I'll have guns for the duration of my life, accept that or live in denial.

I love America.

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there is no license to open carry. If there was, we'd still do it anyway.

you'd probably enjoy this movie, if you havent already

Try reading it sometime, retard.

Hey, they've got every right to bear arms and protest in favor of their opinions. I'm not saying they won't be among the first to be targeted should society come to blows, but they have the right to voice their opinions.