Can I claim asylum here if I identify as an oppressed gamer?

Can I claim asylum here if I identify as an oppressed gamer?

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can you farm or take care of animals? will you obey the law? answer yes, then you can identify as a color of the rainbow for all we care. welcome to kyrgyzstan

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no. you can only if You are able to spell it well and to locate it on a blank world map
but then you will be whipped in the main city square on Friday for being a gamer


Gracias, paisano
I can spell it goodly and YES I CAN locate it on a map. Once I arrive, I swear to do away with all things “gamer” and devote my life to caring for my HAPA family

Wtf I thought there is only 1 Kyrgyz on Yas Forums

Is there a Playstation country too?


There use to be a couple more a few years ago but they were from bitchkek, not from jollywood, Kyrgyzstan

How is life in Kyrgyzstan nowadays? Is the new president better than the last one? Did he manage to consolidate power or is there a possobility for a new coup?

it is okay. same as ever i suppose. jeenbekov is better than atambayev, mostly because he kills less journalists and starts less dumb international feuds, like patriot day in 2015... yikes. he mostly consolidated power so it's alright there. main concerns are just the usual stuff with energy and growing chinese influence on economy as well as corruption and these things. money laundering, tajiki smugglers, uyghurs getting sent here. i am glad to see uzbekistan implode but otherwise things are as usual which is to say not great

>How is life in Kyrgyzstan nowadays?
>Is the new president better than the last one?
So far yes but it's not saying much. I couldn't stand that cunt. Glad he's rotting in a detention centre or wherever he is right now.
>did he manage to consolidate power or is there a possobility for a new coup
He did prevent a coup and locked up the previous one for organising it but it's too early to say. We will have general elections this year unless covid strikes back in autumn. Let us see the results of them first.

This is the only thing I think when I hear the words Central Asia, besides irrelevance and corruption. Like here except 100x worse.

>kills less journalists

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westerners whining about how journalists are biased and thinking they should die are so fucking annoying, especially when they try to comment on when they are killed else where. he killed journalists for speaking out against him and tried to suppress freedom of the press. you just hate journalists because american reporters are leftist. you have absolutely no idea about what other countries journalism is like and go "muh lefty reporters", and cheer when corrupt regimes kill journalists to try and suppress people

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Is the Kyrgyzstan flag really based on the inside of a yurt?

Is it hard to become a citizen of Kyrgystan?

No, we hate refugees

Uzbekistan is imploding? How come?

i mean the economy. look at their gdp for the last few years
no, becoming a citizen here is extremely easy. live here for 5 years, pass a basic kyrgyz language test, have a job, business, farm, something that you can get income from, and agree to uphold the constitution. or, you can skip all that and just marry a kyrgz woman, or have a kid born within kyrgyzstan, or make a substantial investment in country, or perform high achievement in science or culture within country. basically, very, very easy.

>Upholding gamer rights

Thats not a playstation flag.

Just marrying a woman allows you to get citizenship? Wow. I need to study the language.

what's the deal with uyghurs? they are deported to your country by Chinks?

No one tried)))

they are getting pushed here many times, yes. we are right next to the part of china with many uyghurs and often they flee here for chinese pressure. many here think china does this on purpose to clear out the area for han chinese expansion and also to destabilize us and make it easier to take control of much of the government here
marrying a women will do so, having a child born here will do so(simple as marrying a random woman, getting her pregnant, waiting some time, getting a flight to bishkek, and having the child there), as well as make the child a natural citizen as well. you can also live here for a very long time without ever having the threat of being deported, though i imagine by the time you live here for 5 years you would also qualify passing the language test and the rest is simple as having some kind of income and saying you will uphold the constitution

Этo пpaвдa чтo y вac зaпpeтили япoнcкиe мaшины c пpaвым pyлём?

I cant tell if its Vietnam flag or not from my phone
Is ur cunt like a cringe and bluepilled version of nam or what?

I want a Kyrgyz girlfriend

>you just hate journalists because american reporters are leftist

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I could probably pay my relatives to give me a shot at contracting on their stations to learn taking care of animals. Can I come to Kyrgyzstan after that.

you stole this flag from me las night, i wish you dead