Belgians of Yas Forums...

Belgians of Yas Forums, seeing as you live in a decentralized state whose inhabitants' union under a single banner was mostly a matter of conjuncture, do you identify with "Belgium" as a whole, or Flanders and Wallonia respectively?

Attached: map-regions-of-belgium-wallonia-flanders.png (1136x902, 154.76K)


Why are you asking citizens of non-existing country what do they think about such non - existing country

He's talking about Belgium, not Poland.

Still seething about beating your ass during Deluge Sven?

It's the same way you identify as Romanian as well as European at the same time. Some might feel more Belgian, others more flemish/walloon. It's all personal.

Attached: FB_IMG_1588242683354.jpg (640x824, 77.98K)

>Belgians of Yas Forums, seeing as you live in a decentralized state whose inhabitants' union under a single banner was mostly a matter of conjuncture

Belgium predates Flanders and Wallonia, both 20th century creations.
People don't identify with Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium, only in the political field, but with their home city, because before Belgium the area was a collection of duchies/counties/prince bishopic
I can assure you in reality that someone from Bruges don't give a flying fuck about someone from Hasselt, nor identify with him. Same with Durbuy and Charleroi.

>both 20th century creations.

Flemish have strong ethnic identity, while Wallons have almost none (there is literally no real right wing party in Wallonia, MR is just center right liberals)

It's only because Wallons need Flemish money, that they block all reforms towards decentralisation of the State, confederalism and/or independence.

Thank God we are highly developed, educated, to just have politicial problems making coalitions and forming government because of the huge antagonism between Flanders and Wallonia.

Otherwise, in a third world country, their would be already a civil war for independance.

Flanders and Wallonia are both 20th century creations, they never existed before.
The medieval county of Flanders refers to something completely different.

De Block is such a based name

Every time I look at this map I can't help but think "Wallonia wtf are you doing?".

Attached: mippississi.jpg (6480x7479, 3.23M)

My town first, then Wallonia then Belgium.

Flemish should start speaking French or kill themselves imo

How would Belgians react if Flanders was given to the Netherlands and if Wallonia was given to France?

Yeah but it's fake, even the poorest Walloon region (Hainaut) has a higher HDI than Mississippi.

I wish Belgians stoped to be arrogants to pretend to be a people and accepted for the Bruxellois and Walloons to be rattached to France.

Heroin mostly.

This has been debunked many times already

loads of bullshit though

Attached: scrn.png (383x506, 42.66K)

Partition vote when?

If anything Wallonia or Flanders is more of a country that the Republic of France which consists of a bunch of peoples put togehter under a shitty flag. France is a non-country.

Maybe the word you're looking for is outdated since the map is form 2015. Mississippi could have gone to shit in that time so Hainaut surpassed it. Pic related doesn't mention a year so we can't know how accurate it is compared to the present.

Attached: bmlxn3p1ik021[1].png (6480x7479, 3.38M)

Look at the size of our provinces though. The smaller it is, the higher the probability of it being either really low or really high. Accuracy means extreme values.

Dude you won't even attach the Bruxelles to Wallonie.

This guy gives good insight.

>Dude you won't even attach the Bruxelles to Wallonie.
I think you are probably lying. It is just some departement's rivalry memes.

But anyway you can attach Bruxelles to France if they stoped to be so arrogant to pretend to be a different people from us.

Have you ever met a Brusseleir lmao?

Yes, several.

Very mixed opinions on this. This could however never happen, because then we will have an eternal argument about who gets brussels

>why does brussels matter lmao
it's the wealthiest region of the cunt

Brussels speaks French, doesn't it? Just attach it to Walloons, it's right across from the language border anyway. Flemish people have Antwerp which should be enough.

>who gets brussels
This is not a question because the Bruxellois would join us because you know they speak French and feel much more French than Dutch or Flemish.

On paper it's supposed to be bilingual. I do recall hearing more French than Nederlands when I lived there.

Attached: BELGIUM-LANGUAGE-MAP[1].jpg (980x980, 150.77K)

belgians rioted in an enclave withing the netherlands when the german occupiers wanted to merge it with dutch territory, they didnt riot on other occasions during german occupation

You dont "just give" X to Y. That's the whole point.

Bruxellois or Walloons wouldnt want to join France if Belgium were to split. They'd rather remain their own country. Not every smal region has to be attached to a bigger country