Mfw realizing everyone here is at least bilingual and plus

>mfw realizing everyone here is at least bilingual and plus
>all except amerifats
how do they cope?

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By having you learn English

They cope a lot


Look at the language you're posting in and then ask if we actually need to know another language.

yo soy chicano

americans speak spanish

Somos chicanos, retrasado.

Don't forget the bongs, although they do seem to be able to speak a second language slightly more often than their American counterparts.

olmec americans are bilingual.
olmecas, ftfy

we speak. you weep. cope

case in point
anglo cope never fails to deliver

Todos lo que tienen banderas de Estado Unidos son Chicanos. Como yo.

feels good knowing the whole world learns our language just to speak with us

Am i wrong though?

Not with you but with cute euro grills

I'm trying to learn a second language now, but it's difficult. I wish my parents had me do classes when I was a kid.

>imagine a country where their people can only speak the language of their formal colonizer

also, having a dialect doesnt mean you own that language

Attached: the cope.jpg (760x1035, 86.79K)

cute euro girls who learned english to speak with me

you and amerifats imply that learning English is some god-knows-how difficult task where we spend hours studying, when in reality most eu zoomers learned English by playing runescape or browsing rage comics
It's possibly a projection since they (americans) learn Spanish in school for years and still struggle to order at taco bell, so they assume the same applies to us learning English

I speak English and Spanish :^)

I speak French I just don't need to use it here

Pretty much all Anglos + Ireland

No you are the irrelevant third party most of the time. Just like romans spoke greek among themselves

No, he said knowing or not knowing your language doesn't matter and he's right. No one gives a shit about the Polish Internet.

I went to Georgia once and the guy at the front desk of the hostel took my passport and said "Wowwww, America."

The Polish guy here reeks of insecurity and/or inferiority

>knowing or not knowing your language doesn't matter
that's just expectable anglo cope
>No one gives a shit about the Polish Internet.
Not once have I mentioned Poland in my posts, looks like not only do you struggle with a second language but with English as well
Maybe you should polish your reading comprehension before you come here and embarass yourself

>No one gives a shit about the Polish Internet.
Nobody cares about Poland, period.

If someone takes an interest, it's due to their history -- in which they constantly got fucked -- or some beautiful women (such as Kinga Duda).

It's even funnier when you realise most ESL have a better grasp of English grammar than most Americans

Haha, who takes Spanish? I took French.

The only relevant languages on the internet are English and Japanese. Anything that is even slightly relevant is in English, the only exception being Japanese content, which is kept within the confines of the Japanese internet.

Wow, you speak your irrelevant snownigger language AND english? I am very impressed.

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Uno beero

>It's possibly a projection since they (americans) learn Spanish in school for years and still struggle to order at taco bell, so they assume the same applies to us learning English
That makes a lot of sense

A lot of Americans in the deep south can speak Spanish. A lot of Welsh people in the UK speak Welsh.

FPBP. "Monolingual" as an insult is completely ineffective against native English speakers. You (the rest of the world) even use English among yourselves for mutual intelligibility.

I want to learn as many languages as possible

>in the deep south
More like the South West

hahaha dumb monolingual idiots