The worst tragedy in history

the worst tragedy in history

Attached: Partitions-Poland.jpg (630x630, 95.65K)

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It's okay. Poland can shift borders into space.

these borders looks comfy desu, but commonwealth reunited today would be shithole

Pre-1772 western borders and 1793 eastern borders would be God's gift tho

we have made it with our own hands. King gave an oath that if Virgin Mary help him beat Swedes he will free all of the common folk from serving the nobility in exchange for the right to rent the fields, He vowed that all Poles will be equal in laws. 100 years latter nothing has changed so God has forced us into integration, so today all poles are equal and there are no serves.

We came out stronger out of this.

In fact during the partitions Poles were breeding like crazy. We basically multiplied our population

Wait a second....that flag.

That's because of improvement in sanitation and healthcare not partitions even if Prussian part was actually good developed

Majority of Poles lived in Russia/Galicia

So how did you don goofed?
Also Courland for some reason was a vassal but not a part of Poland-Lithuania (I think)

After Constitution it was just regular part of Poland, in fact the May constitution competely unified the country.

Funny how in Latvia we never talk about it being in PLC. ''Latvia had colonies'' it is actually what we learn! Truth is more complex and it involves you :)

German speaking Polish governed ex-Teutonic Colony where Latvians were just peasants.

Lithuanians are even more crazy with their PLC history interpretation. It's the africa-tier we wuzing

In our case - absolutely
But I think it's included in modern schools as a sinister EU trick of ''you colonizers,repent. Save the Negrs and refugees'' type of deal. Joking...but am I really?

how come Russia ended up having the majority of that territory in the end?


We have considered you as independant nation living on dependant polish terrority. That's why you got your own coat of arms.

you can again if you want, but the Krewno deals stays, we are one country and nothing's gonna change it.

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I agree Poland shouldn't exist.

turkic mongol and etc mix of slavs, i.e. ukrainians.

Good job :)


All of Germany would be better off in the hands of Poles because Poles wouldn't fill the country up with migrants.


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Blame Sweden, read

More like blame the polish king trying to claim the swedish throne should have known better when messing with swedish bvlls

Attached: 1585319331856.jpg (1200x900, 266.17K)

Austrians had to take it to save poles. Poles actually had it way better in Austria than either prussia or russia.

Attached: 1555101058562.webm (1000x562, 3M)

these are french?

Attached: 1557849622932.jpg (640x789, 124.98K)

Yes, Germs weren't taking their hats off in respect to fallen soldiers.


Attached: Dresden bombing.webm (640x360, 2.68M)