Post the most American pic you have

Post the most American pic you have

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is that /fa/?

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>I am da Nazi now!

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nazis actually had also black people among their troops, as far as half-jews, asians, indians, muslims, etc.
Hither shook hands with Jessy Owens, Roosvelt did not...
just google for Freies Arabien.

god bless

we know all of that, now stop being a incel

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Why is he coloured so weirdly

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Yup. It was a /fa/ meetup lol
I imagine anyone who actually had a sense of fashion and aesthetics knew it was going to be a fagfest and skipped it.

Its fucking tragic is what it is
But, it could be worse

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Is the second one from the right a girl?

I don't honestly know

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why does he have two left hands?

yes and hitler planned to kill them later on

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Lol the Saudi does NOT want to be there

That was 50 years ago mutt. Stop living in the past if you want the world to think you're great

Lmaooo that dude with the purple shades is definitely trying to be an anime character

it is a fresh corpse

Without comically obese people it just looks like a mix between poor Russians and British people.

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nigga looks like a chimpanzee

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me on the left

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Probably got burns

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Looks a lot like my brother except he has brown hair

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sam looks so grotesque

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i laughed too hard at this

>most American
That's me on the right tho

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>Lol the Saudi does NOT want to be there
Yeah, it'd be 'awkward' to say the least

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The most American pic would be some fat fucks eatting hamburgers, with those monster sized big gulps of soda, and french fries while zooming through a Wal-Mart.

>and french fries
freedom fries you underage cunt

jewdi family proudly sponsors the spread of wahhabism around the globe, they aren't ashamed of that