Why are they so annoying?

why are they so annoying?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Venezuela_(state).svg.png (1200x800, 70.71K)

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What’s the difference between you and them? Be honest. Are rook same

They dont seem any worse than other latin americans. In fact they're better than some.

mexicans have very little SSA. Venezuelans have much higher african input. Unless you're bind there are clear differences

They're not, why are you such a faggot?

kys walmer

a lot you ignorant retard
that's like asking what the difference between americans and australians is, if not worse like asking the difference between americans and the french

Why are they all their women prostitutes?

no u

>what the difference between americans and australians is

Please tell me, you are the same douchebags

Because they welcome themselves to Americans homogeneity and it makes you jealous.

why do they always wear clothing with their flag on it?

Should I fuck her Yas Forums?

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They are not, they are very afro. Big bulging eyes and protruding mouths, very loud and violent.

Why are Latinos so obsessed with race?

Oh shit, I thought OP posted Columbia’s flag, not Venezuela’s. Yeah no, I don’t care about Venezuela either way, they can do whatever.

looks a bit tranny-ish. It all depends on how much, and does she gives anal?

just the ones here, unfortunately for us and fortunately for latin america

Americans and Australians are the same though.


>obsessed with race
I'm not obsessed with race just describing them, its just very apparent, we're not used to their kind. I never fail to spot them these days, I don't need to hear them speak loudly.

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Aussies challenge Kangaroos to a fist fight and lose, get punked by koala bears. and lost a war against Emus. Americans thoroughly BTFO of their wildlife.

B-But, venezuelan chicks are hot af they make my pp happy everyday.

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Latinos go-to responses towards each other is always about how black or indio the other country is

you said we arr roook same. I proved you wrong, and that0s the only way to do so

But Americans and the French are very similar in many ways

I was replying to this
And why it is wrong. But you're right theres a lot more than looks and race that divide us, they belong with their caribbean brothers in their islands, their parties and loudness.

Yeah no, French have bloody revolutio-..., lose to Vietna-..., force their allies to join shitty war-..., are an insular ignorant state utterly reject invasive languages and cultur-, have a bunch of black peopl-...

so are mexicans and venezuelans, but saying they're the same is still idiotic


the have quite voluptuous girls ngl
stop the memes, a few minority are criminals, but most are bros



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