
Greco-macedonian mprotherhood edition

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I can't let you go Yas Forums

tsatting uit streindzars onlain is deindzarus
i'm sori but i must go ;(

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If Allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?

He doesnt touch pigs.


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Okay man that was unnecessarily rude :-(

if you are so nihilistic why dont you become something worthwhile like a serial killer, you can kill serbs

Sorry man, couldn't resist.

>Smith reputedly killed and beheaded three Ottoman challengers in single-combat duels, for which he was knighted by the Prince of Transylvania and given a horse and a coat of arms showing three Turks' heads.[7] However, in 1602, he was wounded in a skirmish with the Crimean Tatars, captured, and sold as a slave.[8] He claimed that his master was a Turkish nobleman who sent him as a gift to his Greek mistress in Constantinople, who fell in love with Smith. He then was taken to the Crimea, where he escaped from Ottoman lands into Muscovy, then on to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth before traveling through Europe and North Africa, returning to England in 1604.
Why do Greeks love Anglo cocks so much?

I'm too apathetic to do anything worthwhile.

>kill turks
>become slave to a turk
>he gives you to his mistress
>get cucked

If Allah exists, why did he created Aoids?

Then he went to America and became a Disney hero

Ne vi se li smaci pa za edno isto neso celo vreme da govorite ?

Puxji mi kjur be maqekar

Hoгo ти e мaлeчoк икc дe икc дe

My ancestors created this abomination :)

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My ancestors created this abomination :)

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That's not a Serbian dog.

>she sends me a message
>I reply
>doesn't even bother to open it for 10 minutes


I think i have heart problems
Help me please

She will reply when she feels like it. You should focus on more important things. Such as make fun of Slonoychuk

...wait there are two Hungarians posting here now?

Don't reply as soon as she writes dumbass. Play the game , wait 30 mins between replys.


Shigger, why so rude? :-(

Ridiculous shit. I always reply when I am actually on the phone and someone texts me. What is even the endgame of such shithousery?

>there are more Hungarians active here than Romanians and Greeks

Women playing games man. Sometimes I wish the Medieval ages were back and I can just slap the living shit out of them for playing games.

Only dumb cunts do shit like that.

Because as Serb you are disrespecting a noble puli, because it has long hair.
Romanians are Eastern Europeans.
Greeks are Southern Europeans.

No place for them in the Balkans.

Long hair is gross.

Don't give in. If you start to play her game you lose. Reply when you have time. Don't reply if you are having something else to do. Most importantly, I am taking a Cesko.

You guys don't have chalga/turbofolk/manele/laika music though. Not balkanlar at all.

On human males. On heckin doggerinos it's okay.

Why would you need to follow the rules of
the old crumbling world? Morals, karma and ethics are just concepts of the past for you.
It’s a jungle out there, and those will not help you anyways. As long as you have the
personal power to carry any act, you will find that the burdens of remorse or trauma
don’t affect you at all.

I've been watching videos where guys gift their gfs puppies or kittens and now I want to buy one for my gf but I don't want to keep it in an apartment.