Blasian appreciation thread

Post your cutest blasian couples ^_^

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Nice to this trend is growing

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these blackcels got these bitches and virgins on Yas Forums will unironically say they cant

bait thread. Asian girls only like white guys lol

Hip and cool couple xx

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Who are japs doing so much blacked hentai? It doesn’t even bother me, I just find it weird.

these nigs arent incels, these are civilized nigs that behave exactly like western NPCs

It’s sad isn’t it
Black guys are doing a lot to help boost the Korean birthrate
Asian boys should be more appreciative of them xx

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Blacked is beautiful

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What the average Korean man will look like in 20 years

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She’s leaving that apartment in a wheelchair

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Reminder only like 2% of whites racemix

Cute mixed babies xx

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1. Hi Israel
2. Why are Blasian babies look so disgusting??

I think they look gorgeous

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>Reminder only like 2% of whites racemix
true, but 60-70% of Asian women prefer white men

Our girl getting blessed with some seasoning and culture

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lol she could not get asian bf and not white even so need settle for negro hahaha


Pelé is asianpilled.

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> whites getting triggred over Asian women fucking a different race of men

> Asian men who have been demoralized for so long they are happy about black guys fucking their women

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>their women
yikes incel

I’ve said it once and i’ll say it again!
asian boys cannot compete in a globalised dick economy. End of

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>white intcels and asian americans


cute :3

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I’m happy that this is becoming more of a trend. I’ve always loved the contrast between a mongs face and a monkey

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Why are Black men Asian women a common thing? But I have yet to see Asian men Black women

I prefer WMAF desu

dating a black guy is a personality trait to Jap women

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I approve of this thread.

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Just be black

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Imagine those
thrusting against his BBC

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n-ni hao

Me love you long time

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Paint Hokkaido as BLACK as well. They are Sundadontic bvlls.

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Blacks don’t own businesses, they own women

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