Do wh*te Bois really do this ?

Do wh*te Bois really do this ?

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fuck these currysmelling poopskins

>actively seeking out indian women
yeah some are hot but 90% are pretty ugly/featureless.

wow how does she even survive with all that racism

why are white people like this, does not matter if its women are gay men, I can't ever be greeted properly

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How do I get a Poojeta to let me spray my DNA inside her?

Based Charles
He still got the moves

So this is how normies do it ?

I wonder how many ANGLO BVLLS have blown their thick, salty load up her


Interesting that the two men she's matched with are called Charles and Oliver... not exactly common in the Punjab are they? Silly cow wants a white man to throw her around the bedroom and then sit smoking a cigarette (or hookah) whilst discussing Sanskrit literature and Mughal miniatures


This must not be in the US I’ve never thought of any poop skin as “exotic” we have like every race in the world here

Yeah it's in the UK. She said in the article as shown as she moved to London she was getting messages like this

Indian women belong to ANGLO BVLLs.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

mfw thinking about you hurting

I’ve genuinely never seen or been around any white male that has a preference for/and or wants an Indian female
SJW curryheads are the biggest COPERS of all time

>subtle racism is people having a hard on for you
the west really has made people too soft

Plenty. Every single Indian chick I knew was obsessed with white men.

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I doubt anybody activly seeks out indian women

I would, but it would just be to satisfy my curiosity.

British men get the British women that Indians, Pakistanis, Jamaicans and Nigerians don't want


That looks so fucking shopped. no way the tidner UI looks like that with those generic ass names

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I am so jealous of anglo canadians. imagine being surrounded by curry, mena and chink pussy

I mean do they accept South Asian Men in their tinder?

MENA is inaccurate we have twice as many blacks and middle Eastern people in canada. They are a small minoirty here.

Curry and Asian is accurate though

We have this in my state. It's not that good.

I understand why it'd be annoying in every other way, but it must be nice to have diverse ethnicities obsessed with your race, here people don't fetishize races much

Bruh why does your virgin ass think you can score like that ? Indian and Mena women aren't Asian they don't race mix like that . You would see a white girl with a Mena guy than other way around everytime , just ask euros

> Would see a white girl with a MENA guy
I don't though. Middle Eastern/white couples are probably the rarest ones we have and the dynamics are completely different. Europe has refugee and working class Muslims north America has stem nerds for Muslims

> India don't racemix

We have plenty of Indian girl white guy couples in Toronto. It's the third most common mixed race couple after wmaf and bmwf

hello sumARYAN iraqi, I just want mena pussy

Majority of the indian women actually look extremely ugly compared to women of other ethnicities
An average indian woman looks like a tranny; non cute with slightly manly features, and hairy. Gross!
That's why I'm gay now because I'd rather suck a real man's cock than get anywhere close to a disgusting abomination of nature
No wonder most indian men beat their wives. I would too if I was forced to marry a tranny lookalike who refuses to groom xerself properly

Why didn't you just find a Thai gf? Similar values to India, don't be mean.

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What type of men so you prefer ?

why hello there chocolate