Living in germany means constant suffer

living in germany means constant suffer

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No, lol. Do you think living in Germany is worse than in Austria or Greece?

constant suffering not suffer.
Learn English mattias you evil, fat, german incel from dortmund who works for opel assembling cars.

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>living means constant suffer

At least you do not live in Russia

Attached: Russia7.jpg (1500x918, 407.54K)

>worse than austria
>worse than greece

>>worse than greece
Greeks have more wealth per capita than us, you idiot.

Yes it is ultimate suffering. Not finiancially. Spiritually ultimatively. There is not a single German I know who wouldn't qualify as a pathologic case. You burned us bad.

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Move to the Netherlands, It's a better Germany or so they say

es feo con ganas el hijo de puta

That's if you are a Saupreiß. If you are a German who doesn't deserve genocide move to Austria.

How do they do it bros?

Russia doesn't look like that. Moreover, urban Russia is prettier than indian one.
I can't decide, were you joking or not.

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Jetzt verstehe ich wieso die Berliner euch schwaben so hassen.


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don't bother, this autist has been spamming this for weeks now

Al menos se esfuerza en lo que hace

>Greeks have more wealth per capita than us, you idiot.
51% of your buttbuddies can't even afford a single week of holidays once a year, that's poverty, not wealthy

Attached: Inability to afford one week holiday.png (1278x853, 59.48K)

lmao...Schwaben...du Vollidiot...Schwaben sind Preißen...

There's a difference between liquid wealth and real estates. That being said if you own a house and can't take a trip to Thailand because you don't want to sell it you are still richer.

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dude it includes holidays to another european country, if you can't afford to spend 600€ a year then you are below poverty tier. you wouldn't have to sell your house just for a short trip if you were truly wealthy

*liquid capital


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It's ultimately flawed because it doesn't take into account the average living costs of your country. Travelling is always the same. And I am having doubts about this particular methodoly anyways ut I would have to read up on it.

Bottom line is, if I have 200 Euro netto every month but still own 3 million dollar real estate I am still richer than you. Not hard to understand.
Real estate is the best there is in this world


Seems about right. Außer der Fliegenschiss im Norden..So oder So... Das Wort Preißen ist nich schwäbisch