Do brothers and sisters have good relationships in you're country...

Do brothers and sisters have good relationships in you're country? do they stay in touch after leaving the parent's house?

Attached: sistergf3.webm (640x800, 1.34M)

The last time I spoke with my sister was two years, let that sink in

two years ago*

arent mexicans suppose to be big about family?

She looks like she sucks 32 cocks a day

Yes. My wife and my sister are the same person

I spoke with my sister 5 (five) years ago, she's 30 now afaik


I have great relationship with my brothers and sister. I dont know anyone on bad terms with their siblings but I know it happens.

i fucked my step-sister when i was 14 and she was 18

Wait that's illegal!


Last time I recognized my sister's existence was about the same year. We live in the same house.

My brother was my Nigga when we were growing up but we haven't talked in a decade and I'm too autistic to call him so now I don't think I'll ever see or talk to him again until one of my parents dies and it makes me pretty sad.

Looks like a younger Jodie Foster.

yes, we have a whatsapp group where we chat and share memes every day.

she literally raped you since you were under 18 and couldn't consent.

Sounds comfy.


If you were stuck in an island with your sister how long can you hold out until you fuck her?

Attached: 1556497593584.jpg (640x723, 229.76K)

I don't know, I didn't. I don't keep in touch with any of my siblings, and I only call my parents because they bitch and moan if I don't call every week.

No related by blood, therefore it's 100% fine

of course its the pinoy with 8 brothers and sisters whos parents were cousins....

your people are like rats

yeah, we meet every week
bro is still living with me

Haven't talked with my brother for over 8 years and we live in the same house.

My sister is probably the person I care about the most.

you fuck her?

No, I'm not a degenerate.

I want gf like this

she has good taste in muic (girl in webm)

My sister is unironically the most important thing in my life and will very likely remain as such untill i have kids.