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International #1217
German Ghettos
/ישר/ /ISR/ - מהדורת הגידו כן למאונן
UK/AUS: Piss off cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Has the smartest person in your country ever been humiliated by a child?
Has any nation underachieved more than this one?
Herd Immunity
Any portuguese people on?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Is this something that happens in your country?
Is this accurate
Update 10
Japan: slaps raw fish on dirty, fermented rice
I have no job, no skills, no education, no friends, no hope, no future, I'm in debt...
The death of Clayton Darrell Lockett occurred on April 29, 2014...
Do you have a Tinder account int ?
Your country
/deutsch/e Kükenausgabe
Match with German chick on dating app
How come russians like the name maxim so much. Is it like the mario of russia?
I make apu shoops for you
Map of European countries by contribution to the continent and relevancy
/ita/ - il filo
Why are white males in America so suicidal?
Alright guys, let's settle this once and for all
Is this the ideal phenotype?
What is your most beloved foreign food?
Wypipo be like this sun is too spicy
This is considered a top tier food in the UK. Bacon between two pieces of bread
/fr/ - le francofil
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Can Yas Forums be nicer to chinese people, we have feelings too
What drives a perfectly functioning son of kara boga to post this?
What's the worst city you have ever visited?
What country has the best sense of humor?
/balt/+/ausnz/ : healthy cats edition
Is it true that most of the achievements of the Islamic Golden Age was done by Persians, Berbers, and Turks i.e...
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Name a more impassioned, concerned, sincere and resolute world leader. I'll wait
Please stop saying Canada is Diet America they are more like Diet Sweden or Germany
Only countries worth anything in Europe...
/lat/ hilo latino
For non-native English speakers, how did you first learn English?
Does this happen to nazi racists in front of their girlfriends in your country?
What do you think of this planet?
/MENA/ - /مينا/
How accurate is this map?
Is this type common in your country
Hello everyone
The only man who could have saved the Middle East
/ita/ - il filo
Portugal ruins everything. South America would be so great without Brazil
Are people in your country scared of the government?
Why'd he do it?
Slavic languages thread
Why is the UK handling corona so badly?
/fr/ - Le fil français
China virus? more like Belgium virus
Based sweden
I sit on the floor when i eat and i only have a thinkpad, books and a beanbag
/luso/ fio lusófono
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Finska upplagan
/world of polska/
I suffer in Brazil
Most middle easterners are white
Could've been born as a Finn, a Swede or a Brit
I love weed
Do you love Japan, gaijin-sama?
It's another episode of relatively rich South Americans telling me that I live life on easy mode just because I live in...
Why are turkish men like this?
Would you fight for your country if it got invaded?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Which country/city is the most cat-people-friendly?
ישר /isr/
Do you like the Baltic countries?
Do you think celebrities help contribute a lot to the current anti-science sentiment that's happening in America...
Do you love Francia?
I have black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin, yet this is what my ancestry test shows
What video originally got you guys into race realism?
/ita/ - il filo
Is Spain the new Korea of 00s / 10s for movies...
COUNTRIES that you'll ERASE from the EU
I found danish user facebook, he is actually very cute and more cuter than what he post here
I used to think women had it easy, but, to be fair, it's depends of where you was born
/v4/ + /balk/
Norway was a 3rd world country with only a small fishing industry only 60 years ago
I'm Turkish but I feel English. I always advocate the use of the left side of the road...
What boo are you? I'm a britishboo/russoboo
Wtf Americans?
The end of America is finally at hand
Do I have the best hair on /int?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see pic related?
Your opinion of the year 3020?
White women thread
Internationally speaking
Does this happen in your country?
Come for Erasmus in your cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
Oof, that didn't age well
Daily reminder that you will never get a Swedish gf
Why don't they make an Arabic EU?
Would you date a black girl Yas Forums?
Make a German friend in this thread!
/ita/ - il filo
Say the coronavirus isn't a hoax to their faces. They dare you to
Who's the Dan Bilzerian of your country?
How long does it take to learn japanese approximately?
ITT: All of Yas Forums is suddenly transported to an endless apartment building; the floors of the building goes on...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
World Press Photo contest 2020 winners have been revealed. I thought they might be interesting
Sverigetråden - Havsupplagan
What happened to netherlands? They used to be a world super power
Do they understand that killing children in gas chambers is a bad thing? Aren't they ashamed of themselves...
Do poomericans really...?
Can someone tell me - why has South Africa fallen so much since Apartheid...
How is the relationship between Spain and Portugal? Is there banter? Who is the bully, who is the bullied?
Why do people call this SOUL just because it is in Italy?
How come mexican women have weird body shapes?
Princess Iman of Jordan
/deutsch/ heute auf Nanachibasis
The modern """turk"""
It's not Easter in his "cunt" today
What are women like in your countree?
Italian beauty
How did they fuck up so badly?
/fr/ - Édition matinale
20% of Norwegian blood is Scottish
ITT: All of Yas Forums is suddenly transported to an endless apartment building; the floors and of the building goes on...
1. Your cunt
1) your cunt
Crown prince of Morocco
/balt/+/ausnz/ - šaltibarščiai edition
Bro shes not legal yet
What's this cultural phenomenon called and where does it take place?
Literally my QVEEN
Kurva anyátok
A toast! to Yas Forums
Germany is much bigger and more influential than the Netherlands...
I absolutely fucking despise London
Guess the country
Bulgarian thread
1) Your cunt
And how many languages do you speak r/int?
How are you coping with the quarantine in your respective country, Yas Forums? How long already?
Based countries general
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Goodbye for all eternity, evil incel freaks
Japan and Korea fights over these shitty rocks
Area the size of Italy
What if climate change is a good thing? Everything gets hotter, more water is released from trapped ice packs...
/desi/- Indonesia is amazing edition
Would you kneel before the Princess Eléonore of Belgium?
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with them?
¿Why is the english level of everybody you in this forum so good? ¿Where do you learn that good english...
Are women like this in your country?
Inejiro Asanuma
/ibe/ = /esp + /pt
They should pay reparations
Does this happen in your country?
If they had remained in power, would they have been a better alternative to the current (communist) dynasty?
Is still chinese characters are used widely in Japan?
Should Japanese people be considered white and also excluded from asian category?
/ita/ - il filo
Cast an Indian actor as an Arab merchant in FF7
/lat/ hilo latino
Steppenigger hate thread
1. your country
The next latin america
When will korea be unified
My coworkers make fun of me because I'm east asian
What happened to the Roman Britons? France and Spain were invaded by Germanic peoples but they remained Latin...
Why is him obsessed with Colombia?
Cairo looks like THAT??!!!!!!!
Be happy i bought a hiremoot pass im contributing to your salary, jany
Why do Americans not let their cats go outside?
This is my crush, please say something nice about her
/fr/ - Le francofil
How did he get away with this
ITT: Accent rating thread
Americans , who are you going to vote for come November
Japan has closed borders for tourists from America and Europe
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Sounds kinda tasty NGL. Anyone tried it before?
Do you have Tinder?
Why do they hate each other so much? Theyre basically the same country
Serious question: Why is africa such a shithole?
Your face when an asian, indian or black man is trying to flirt on you
Today I discovered an ethnic group called Nenet. They live in Siberia and are basically half white and half asian
Is flat justice?
What would you do if you had an M60?
If you dress as a Jew in new York you can do whatever the fuck you want
What do mutts think communism is?
/lat/ hilo latino
Why is Alexandra Ocasio Cortéz famous in politics? Is she a commie or some shit, right?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Please stop, it's not true
Are you happy to see more Asians in video games?
Joined the foreign legion in 1914 so he could fight in France
Are they the funniest people on Earth?
If you were elected president of the U.S. what would you do as president?
1. youre flag
If you were the most powerful cartel leader of Congolombia, how would you fix the country?
/deutsch/ >es reicht net wenn du spass hast>die anderen müssen leiden
Comprising only 1% of the population, Honduras is the least white Latin American country
I support China because Chinese women are the most beautiful
Good, non-genocidal Germans
How well do you know your cunt's national anthem?
This is what money gets you
1. Your country
Name one Japanese person
Sverigetråden - Tegnellupplagan
Unironically what phenotype is this?
If every white american larps about being the grandson of some WWII inmigrant, why they hate latino inmigration?
If you were the president of the United States, how would you fix the country?
Measuring your countries in Texases
/luso/ fio lusófono
/mex/ thread
British """warfare"""
God I fucking love germany and germans and german culture! who else is a krautboo?
Americans are protesting to go back to work
Peak Civilization
Looking for nice friends
Do you drink mate?
Why are americans so depression? aren't we the greatest?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Latin america
Would I pass as a native in your country, Yas Forums?
Brazillians look like this
What's the scariest wildlife you come across daily
We're so sorry
I pee in the sink on a daily base
1. Your cunt
Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
1.your cunt
/lang/ - Language Learning General
/madschi/ auch /almans/ aka /deutsch/ manchmal /kacknazis/
Why are foreigners allowed to own property in USA, when they aren't citizens of the USA...
Hilo /lat/ino
Sverigetråden - Göteborgsutgåvan
Ahhhhhh this is all i need
I want to be able to go to the beach again
/fr/ - le fil francais de la france
Name a Japanese city besides Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Fukushima
Is this Africa's version of jomon vs yayoi
Do Americans really
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Have you ever visited Italy before? What city/town was it? What did you like? Did you find something you didn't expect...
Rate international jokes
/brit /
Choose your Dutch gf
A celebration of sorts?
Based or Cringe?
Do you want to find love in East-Asia?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Faces of Yas Forums
Is It better to be an incel or a gay in your country?
/ita/ il filo
/ita/ - il filo
Last thread ill post about britosh houses
Sverigetråden - Mjölkutgåvan
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
My favorite captcha challenge? the slow fading ones of course
Wtf is even the point of these countries
Flag Thread
What is it like to be the most developed country in the world, Norwegians? Tell us
Mexicans, explain "gringo" to me. Does it refer to all white people, or only white foreigners? Is e.g...
Italians eat a lot of pasta
US Census - 2020
Atheists think we’re descended from this
/mex/ + /CHI/ - Mexican Thread
Ask a bored brazilian from the most poor and violent state anything
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Why are Russians always portrayed as the villains in movies and television. Name one good guy or hero who is Russian
Oh no no no
/fr/ - le francofil
Gf wants to start a couple vlogging channel after this virus blows over
There is an influx of trap threads,may god whoever coordinated this horrid attack,janny do your thing
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Sverigetråden - rena flickor upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
Do you read books?
What is the ideal body type in you're country?
Would you date a black American girl?
What do you think about Russian girls?
Can you please stop calling us arabs? It's a tired joke and not funny anymore
Is 23 too old to move to another country?
Wtf is wrong with indians?
Why are Quebecois so overly pleased with themselves?
How different is the US and Canada culturally in your mind?
WHY is US Hip-hop the ONLY good Hip-hop?
/fr/ - le francofil francophone
Is this true Hispanic bros?
I hear my upstairs neighbor yelling and hitting her son almost everyday
Your country's int thread
/human/ (/nowhite/)
How is Alexander the great seen in your country?
/balk/Balkan thread
/ישר/ /isr/ thread
There are 63,4 million japanese girls alive RIGHT NOW
Finland has black metal
Is it true that east Asian looking Indians are looked down on in India?
In your mother tongue, is the Hispanic accent cute ?
25 years old, never kissed, never had sex, no life experience and my developmental phase is already over...
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ (including /bel/) + /ausnz/
What made Northern/Western European countries so successful?
Culture Pals /cp/ gener
Why yes, I fucked over my nation big time and am fondly remembered for it
Why are French people so bad at speaking English if most English words come from French?
Why don't the Germans buy their houses?
/brit /
Your cunt
Is French males the most beautiful in the world?
/esp/ - hilo Español
Would you like to live here?
If someone offered you 50.000 euros to move to Turkey for 1 year
People always mock Germans for Turks but
What the people from Stockholm want you to see
Can someone explain why Indonesia has the most retarded borders on Earth...
Why is Finnish food so horrible?
You wake up in Serbia
Do americans choose their leader based on whose brain is rotting at a faster rate or based on who has the shittiest...
/fr/ - Fil de la France
Is this racist?
/ita/ - il filo
Coronavirus is real and needs to be taken seriousl-
British workers reject fruit-picking jobs as Romanians flown in
/brit /
Today was I a good boy?
One shot at life
Ywn live in a comfy brazilian favela
Does anybody on earth even like Romanians?
I went to Germany's youtube trending page, and this was #1 kek
Stop using masks
Why can't europe into big corps?
Come to turkey and become a chad
Can you tell what makes him ugly?
Do u have friend online
Wow did you hear what sweden just did?
I've pondered long upon why usual Yas Forums users of most boards are so deluded in their firm and undisputed...
/ita/ - il filo
It should be destroyed
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Do you support any independece movements?
Would you join the army? Please no childish "dying for israel" shit
/ro/: firul nostru
Why is Turkey not considered a European country?
Your country
How do Turks feel about the armenian genocide?
Sverigetråden - Svea upplagan
Since when Germans and Dutch people can claim Frankish ancestries...
/fr/ - Le fil Funky
Would you want to raise a daughter in the west?
How are suburbs in your country
How does the just a flu bro gang explain this shit? It's the Dutch weekly death rate
Fake slavs, they don't even use cyrillic
Which separatist movement in the us is most likely to succeed first
Do you want to find love in Japan?
How acceptable/common is it for you guys to joke about Nazis irl?
Syrian cuties looks like THAT!?
Norway is the most lovely country in the world
Temperature can go to millions of degrees to the upside but only -270 or so, explain that, sciencefags
Reminder not to Kung-Fu-Noise at Asians
My dad calls Aboriginals "abos"
Last threads
/smg/ - Stock Market General Thread
Elon Musk has gone insane, and has started shilling cryptocois. Not trustworthy...
Armed Citizens STORM MICHIGAN CAPITOL, Invade Congressional Offices (POLICE STAND DOWN)
Fb fap continued
Tokyo Ghoul: re Volume 8 Storytime
This is a 10/10 in Bongland
Celeb thread
If a "hero" kills a villain, then he's not a hero, he's just another villain
Television and Movies
Video Games
Right-wing cringe thread
Animal Crossing
Video Games
Did you ever find your Ramona Flowers?
Television and Movies
Is it frowned upon in your culture to use damaged goods?
Three Seas Initiative
Has there ever been any proof that there are paid Jewish shills on here making shitposts and slide threads beyond...
This is why the world is ruined
One piece