But seriously. This is y'alls own goddamn fault for denying climate change, refusing to take action to prevent the crisis from escalating further.
The end of America is finally at hand
>global warming
Nobody cares, chang
Stop pretending to be retarded Pekka
nice. finally some good news for a change
>western USA
nothing of value lost
We're taking the whole world with us, and our country is large enough to survive.
That's where all food is made.
US downfall is going to be biblical, not even memeing
economic breakdown soon due to people being retarded (government included), followed by another mini-war that ultimately crashes the country with no survivors
mark my words
I feel sorry for all the americans that are cool.
this and it's fucking insufferable, like being held at gunpoint by a 14 year old, he doesn't even understand his own actions, but he can kill anyone indiscriminately
Do we get a civil war between Trumptards and de rest of America? Where can i buy tickets?
You braindead fucker.
It's happening in Europe too.
>Southwest has always had long cycles of drought, it's just that americans are myopic and only think of themselves and can only think a month in advance. They dont understand that droughts are normal there
You're f*nnish
Your opinion are irrelevant by default
they'll just annex us and pipe fresh water down south
Fear porn is a surefire way to generate clicks and ad revenue
>US downfall is going to be biblical, not even memeing
>economic breakdown soon due to people being retarded (government included), followed by another mini-war that ultimately crashes the country with no survivors
>mark my words
>I feel sorry for all the americans that are cool.
I wish this was true. I'd really enjoy watching the news of gunfights and chaos from the safety of our continent
Maybe not annexed, but there is a thought to be considered there. In the past you built massive pipelines for oil. Maybe now it's time to build some that carry water to sell to Americans.
Doesn't help that they're pumping the groundwater dry by the billions of gallons and shipping it all to China
US knows very well if they start any kind of conflict with one of their neighbors every single organization and individual that exists in the world that hates the US is going to their aid
it's not going to happen
why do they always screech "CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!1" when there is no real evidence for it?
you have to be delusional to believe anybody is willing to fight USA in north america of all places. get a grip on reality, ahmed.
there's a difference between having a proxy in a proxy war and BEING the fucking proxy
let's see
>nuclear weapons are useless, can't nuke yourself
>all your infrastructure that supports logistics is open to target unlike in foreign wars
>navy has questionable advantage
so not only are you fighting on your own ground and have vulnerabilities to think about you are also the one that instigates the conflict, there is no bigger lose-lose scenario for US than that
in conclusion US will collapse before they even consider invading Canada or, and why the fuck would they even bother invading, Mexico
Dustbowl 2.0?
I’m so, so sorry
Ten thousand years of floods, volcanos, droughts, famines plagues, wars, etc. and yet it is the final boss, the boomers, who will finally end us.
what the fuck are you droning on about? no country in the world can attack american infrastructure directly and not expect to be wiped out in a few minutes in retaliation. you're just spouting nonsense.
>fighting on your own ground
anyone that tries to invade the USA would be annihilated before they even cross the ocean
>navy has questionable advantage
sure, the largest and most advanced navy in the world is subpar...
you're retarded
You could have listened
Why exactly don't we have the technology to take sea water and make it drinkable, what's stopping this from happening?
Schizo-tier post
They do this is some parts of Chile but it's usually more expensive than channeling fresh water.
Divine punishment
It's good that Canada owns the most renewable freshwater in the world. And we're going to be building a pipe to funnel this shit to the US.
Problem is, we'll be giving to them for cheap because we're "friends". Meanwhile, Canadians gets gouged on the prices.
Honestly kind of excited for climate change In a way. I know it'll be bad and I ultimately don't want it but it makes things more excited and will definitely cause a lot of happenings which will spice things up in my boring life.
It's not cost effective, they do that in spain afaik.
they're getting purged by nature