UK/AUS: Piss off cunt
USA: Frick off you hecking jerk off
Why is America so pathetic at swearing?
UK/AUS: Piss off cunt
USA: Frick off you hecking jerk off
Why is America so pathetic at swearing?
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honestly you bongs sounds like inbreds when you swear. poofta what the fuck is that? cheeki cunt, wanker. get your fucking act together lil inbredoids
All anglos are bad at swearing. Just imagine having like 2 or 3 swears lmao
we have slurs but we go to jail if we use them :(
This is where you post some of your swear words and then you get told your entire language is gibberish anyway and there's a good chance you'll have swapped it for English in 20 years
what word?
We can, and we can pretend we were saying nigga because it's pronounced the same as nigger here
Fuck off, slacked-jawed faggot.
>Yeah but brits cant say the n word
Right, cuz you definitely have the balls to say it yourself.
fuck anglos desu
Are you the same Swede who always posts this on pol?
Seethin and heavin, the Amerifat be struggling to breathin
I stole it from the memeflag guy he is greek btw
was it autism?
2bh if you think about it, in 50 years when both our countries are swamped with African immigrants, those beautiful blonde Swedish girls will be getting blacked left right and centre. Meanwhile in the UK only these dogs will be because that's all there is. We win
>t.Never ran more than 1k in his life.
You kidding?
American english is easily 25% cursing.
You stupid ass dumb fuckin idiot.
It's more of a quality over quantity thing there are extremely verbally skilled Americans but they're so rare compared to the majority who will just hit you with a basic "fuck off faggot".
Suck my nuts, faggot.
cmon you can do better than that, say it like you mean it for once
punk ass bitch
same desu
Americans say mother fucker really well, the brits say cunt better. End of story
>hey what's up ya freakin goshdarn jabroney, i'll kick your hiney all the way into next toozday
you can't say nobhead, bellend, wanker, twat etc. You make them all sound cringe
Shutup you Jabroney or I'll fix your crooked teeth with my feet.
The Americans try hard to swear from the heart, but in the end all they can squeeze out is a wet old shart
those words are already cringe, wtf are you talking about?
Have you people realised that English is pretty much the easiest language on this planet?
Maybe you are cursing so much to make up for that
Its not about the words, its about how you say them. When Americans swear they have no power, its like being slapped with a wet tissue
You would unironically shit your pants if an American black bvll cursed at you and was about to throwdown.
True. You guys can’t say son of a bitch or cock sucker, though.
Come on man you’re embarrassing us..
I am an American and I don’t even know where any countries are on the map besides America, Mexico, Canada, England and Hawaii.
I can say what I like in my own language
Get fucked retard
Cant say bitch? Nice try
based brithating swede I've been admiring you work for a long time
If you're not him, just know he exists... watching, waiting.
White Americans aren't scary in the slightest I'm mixed btw.