Why are americans so depression? aren't we the greatest?

Why are americans so depression? aren't we the greatest?

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they dont actually know what depression means, but we do live in a third world country


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You're not, it's just a meme so drug companies can push selling antidepressants onto you.

You're overworked and underpaid despite the fact that the country is super rich. Of course you're all depressed.


You're supposedly extremely depressed according to OP

this is why you have so many incel shooters and serial killers

Well yeah, why wouldn't we be?

ding ding ding

based bolan

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Morroco seems like a fine place to live. You must be autistic and islamfags if you are sad.

>like a fine place to live
>he fell for the memes

I guess it depend on how depression is diagnosed.
More “depressed” more money by selling bullshit placebo like ssri
Almost like the opioid crisis caused by not-needed prescriptions of opioids

Polefags are free of depression, good to know that all those people who commit suicide are mentally well.

It would be if it wasn't for colonialism and the people living there believing in all kinds of bullshit.

more depressed, more great

Poor pessimist...
I don't care why you are depressed
Because this is all caused by you!
Scold yourself if you want to scold!!!

we're in deep debt
everyone hates us but we're so deep into this gangster shit
everyone is angry and alone
americans barely have an average of one friend
racial division constantly inflammed
nearly 1/3 young men are incel (check the stats)
orange man causing boomers to whine, who subsequently whine to everyone else

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They're probably just murders that your authorities covered up as suicide

>Morroco seems like a fine place to live.
Nah that's just the image we project to jew european boomers into coming to spend their retirement money here.

>You must be autistic and islamfags if you are sad.
It's the opposite. religious nuts are less likely to acknowledge that depression even exists.

It is not above them, this happened to a few politicians just before their trial.

i am a straight white male in america
i am vanilla ice cream
i am white bread
i am diet sprite

I think people here conflate depression with boredom

It's normal to feel bad when you see black and brown faces and in America you see a lot of them.

>Your cunt
>Your instrument

Flag pic related

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some countries obviously have the wrong color, like Colombia, Poland...

For Colombia is 4.7% depression rate.

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When you tell the Greenlander to kill himself there is a 50 percent chance he will.

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I can attest that Canada and Sweden are both really depressing places. I think its the rate of improvement (or decay) that affects it. So like Myanmar people are happier because if they make 2$ more per day thats huge while in Canada everything is slowly falling apart.

There is profit opportunity in diagnosing people as depressed which is why we're so good at it


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>lemme tell you about your country
nah living here is actual suffering. euros pretend to have depression because of their meme weather but yet 99% of people living who give their right kidney to live in eu


normal average americans are nothing like you imageboard freaks