My dad calls Aboriginals "abos"

My dad calls Aboriginals "abos"
calls female Aboriginals "gins"
calls grass plants "black boys"
calls greeks "Wogs" or "Wanna-be italians"
calls Lebanese "Lebs"
calls Japs "Nips"
calls Vietnamese "Slopes" or "Slants"
calls Chinese "Chinks"
calls covid-19 "Wu-flu"
asks if my Italian friends have joined "the mafia"
jokingly asks my Italian friends directly "so you a capo yet?" then says "yeah nah you're not supposed to say i get it, my lips are sealed"
calls gays "fudge-packers" or "pooft"
calls trans "cross-dressers"
calls the wife "the trouble and strife" right in front of her
infact calls everyone by their alternate name right infront them

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what does he call us?
hopefully not roach or kebab, that would be way too unoriginal

>lebanese lebs
Didn't know we are famous in Australia.

You are literally public enemy number one in Australia

You'd be surprised

>calls grass plants "black boys"


Rural australia seems comfy

more line infamous


actually south sudanese at the moment, and only muzzie lebs are not liked

How many times has he been glassed?

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I just call everyone a faggot.

i call everyone a X cunt

eg wog cunt
greek cunt
dog cunt
sick cunt
mad cunt
skitz cunt
ozzie cunt
footy cunt

I cant help but speak like a complete bogan

I thought Lebanese were called lebbies

...calls you nonce

we call them lebbos or lebs occasionally wog or muzzie too

nah lebs are alright. There will always be that cultural divide but they generally keep to themselves. Nice people.

The fact that lebs in their home country have no idea what we think of them is really funny to me

> asks if my Italian friends have joined "the mafia"
jokingly asks my Italian friends directly "so you a capo yet?" then says "yeah nah you're not supposed to say i get it, my lips are sealed"

That’s fucking hilarious.

christian lebs are fine. muslims ones can fuck off

>tfw surrounded by my WOG BVLL brethren

Attached: wog bvlls.png (1001x153, 9.87K)

My dad also calls me a dirty faggot as he rapes me, forgot to mention that.

He's gotten glass up his ass a few times. Once he called this big italian bloke a wog and the guy shoved a bottle up his ass

How many of you are Bogans in here?

and if yes do you still rock a mullet in a wife beater?

>calls gays "fudge-packers" or "pooft"
>not "vegemite miners"
Your dads a softcock

I thought that was chinks

How do you call balkan?

Definitely the chinks. Lebos are old news now.

but call him an aussie and you will be astounded at how he recoils "I've been found out"

he's got a hardcock actually, he uses it to fuck me in the ass and he calls me a faggot too.