/MENA/ - /مينا/

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I didn’t get the #1 Victory Royale...
I hate the rocket launcher tryhards.

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kol khara 7mar tahan :DDD

generals are for soy-chugging incels.
it's why i don't belong here.

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what did you guys have for dinner

>Playing rocket launcher in two thousand and twenty

Unironically kill yourself

ههههههه xDDD

الموت للمسلمين
I'll have a snack on one of the corpses of Muslims in my basement

one of us one of us
HHHHHHHHhhhhhhHhhhhh هههههههههههههههههه

We used to play a game about conquering other areas, but it has cheat words, one of those cheat words would create a falling pig that left a rainbow trace.
Does anyone know it's name?


I finally got to eat some dolma

fucking kek

ههههههه xDDDDDD

Mad and Fat

My sides.
Also no.

>أتفرج فيديوهات لبنت غاضبة تفضح البنات اللي ما يحبوها
>عفن في عفن
>عادة سرية و عدم الإغتسال
>وجه أحمر يغلي
>تجلس بالطاولة و فيها رائحة الماء
إن هذا لأمر جلل
صعب تكون مرأة
فالبادئ يحطوك عالية و تبداي تنزلي
الولد يحطوه أسفل السافلين ثم يطلع حبة بحبة

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*bzzz bzzz*

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And I don't think it's ok to watch those vids user, It sounds like a 30 years old watching a child gymnastic video

age of mythology

bless you.

It should be called ANA Africa and North-east Africa

لبيك فاطمة. لعن الله عمر.

مدد يا بعل

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حبيس القلب
كل ما امتلا زبي ضهر بنده بعل, يا بعل

>18 years old but still can't whistle using my fingers

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عائشة زانية

kek lmao pure turkish shitposting. this is why they were banned at some point

oh nono!

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this was taken from Yas Forums. turks are somehow more tolerable than whites though

Sometimes I regret winning the soerm race

يرسلا لي أصدقاء
هل تدري صاحبات الفيديو كلهم إقتربو للثلاثين من أعمارهم
ما تتجرأ طفلة صغيرة تفعل ذاك الشيء
المهم الأنوثة إنتحرت في الجزائر

Int should allow webm with sound, so much potential wasted ugh.

Yas Forums is full of retards that's why lmao. i find Yas Forums allot more chill than soy/pol/