>Area the size of Italy
>Some of the best scenery in the world
>Ultra-pure water and air
>Only 27,000 residents
Why is Labrador (Canada) so under-populated, Yas Forums?
>Area the size of Italy
>Some of the best scenery in the world
>Ultra-pure water and air
>Only 27,000 residents
Why is Labrador (Canada) so under-populated, Yas Forums?
Because it has no suitable place to live or build, it'\s cold, dark
Italy mentioned
If I was smart I would have moved to Canada and started a family there.
But I'm stoopid, and I would be a burden so I'm staying here.
It's not that far north by Canadian standards. Happy Valley (the biggest town in the region) is at the same latitude as Edmonton.
newfoundland treat the labrador like shit and the small amount of people that lives there are having it bad. Historically it was once under Quebec rule. There are multiple Quebec politician trying to bargain the labrador. The current provincial gouv. include the labrador when they have the use the provincial border. It's rightful Quebec clay and we're going to get this back and unite it with sept-île like it was meant to.
I believe they have no protection from the cold arctic ocean winds, making everything arid as well
If a lot of people moved there the water and air wouldn't be clean, already thought about it?
>oy vey why isnt every place bangladesh 2.0
underpopulation doesnt exist.only overpopulation does
I say give it to Quebec. or let us have it.
Italy has 60.5 million people, and nobody thinks that Italy is 'overpopulated.'
>nobody thinks that Italy is 'overpopulated.'
yes it is but its goign better with increasing depopulation
having pics of forests doesnt mean anything, india and indonesia are overpopulated yet they have forests
They get bullied by Quebeckers, nobody wants to move to a place where people get bullied.
Labrador is too fine of land for can*da. It would be better for the US or the UK to own it.
because we aren't
only the padanian plain is overpopulated here
Your senpai shouldve came to the us when they had the chance. Nothing going on in canada
dont tell me the latium, sicily, and campania arent overpopulated.
do you know what overpopulation means?
Lazio has one big city (Rome) with about 3 million and inhabitants, being the biggest city in Italy, Sicily has two big cities, Palermo with 600.000 inhabitants and Catania with 300.000, the rest is small towns and mountains, Campania has one big city, Naples which doesn't even reach 1 million, it has high pop. density around the city but the rest is again smallish towns on rugged coast and mountains in the interior.
The only large geographic region where pop. density is consistently high is the padanian plain, which looks lie the Netherlands as far as human presence goes.
100 inh/km2 is already way too much
>Lazio has one big city (Rome) with about 3 million and inhabitants
seems overcrowded enough
>the rest is small towns and mountains
yet most of the island littoral is covered by coastal villages and all the interior is basically farmlands and villages
>Campania has one big city, Naples which doesn't even reach 1 million
yet the province as a whole has around 5m inhabitants
>b b but muh netherlands
yes the netherlands are overcrowded, any country tat has above 100 inhabitants per km2 is vastly overcrowded
>any country tat has above 100 inhabitants per km2
>any country with above 100 inhabitants per km2 isnt overcrowded
>NNNOOO it doesn't matter if some areas are very crowded and others are deserted, all the country is overcrowded according to my own personal arbitrary cut off point
ok retard
You could make a living from wood cutting in the Canadian north. If they ask for your credentials just show them your flag
>NOOOO i swear we're not overcrowded, look the country isnt one giant city this surely means we got plenty of space
litteral insect mentality
>look the country isnt one giant city
you are literally retarded my man, cope more
>i-i said cope ahaha cope
nice projection,
>coping this hard
why are bog niggers consistently the worst posters?
>copy that badly with the fact you live in an overcrowded country
joke's on you mario
We should be trying to preserve as much wilderness as we can at this point
cry more
seethe more
ah Italy beautiful
>Netherlands Population density (Inhabitants/Kmq): 448.4
imagine living like this lamo
nice seethe
italians live in favelas wtf