When will korea be unified

when will korea be unified

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first, china must be democratized
(so never)

Never because S.Korea's economy will be fucked up by N.Korea's economy when they get integrated
The good thing about it though is the large manpower pool of North Korean bumfucks that you can hire to run sweatshops

NEVER, keep your filthy plastic hands away est country on earth you fucking soulles insect, don't you dare ruin my hope.

Korea (province of Russian Federation)

America will withdraw all military bases from the south (This is the DPRK’s first request)
China will remove all military insulation’s from the north (this is the concession North Korea has stated they are willing to give)
A Korea based around a Confederal System (See: Switzerland) will be created in place of both the ROK and DPRK (This is the DPRK’s second request)
The WPK (Workers party of Korea) will give up its position as the legal guiding party of the DPRK and its territories and will participate in open and internationally monitored elections on a local state and national level (This is their second main concession) along with the obvious guarantees that the WPK and associated socialist and communist parties will not be banned or repressed by the goverment

sorry im retarded but all of this seems pretty reasonable and realistic?

Why are you so bitter

>the DPRK and its territories and will participate in open and internationally monitored elections
Soviet Union promised this during Yalta for the eastern bloc it conquered during ww2. Turns out you can’t trust a commie and they interfere no matter what.

There is No evidence that the Soviet Union rigged or otherwise invalidated the results of the Eastern bloc elections

It seems hard to believe but there genuinely were a lot of Commies in that part of Europe during that period


IDK, it seems difficult for a North Korean deep state to rig elections when the more numerous and organized South Koreans would also be overseeing the government


I expect a strong Korea beyond England, France and Italy. Although Korea has already surpassed it.

Birth rate
>South Korea
>1,05 children per woman

>1,92 children per woman

You may surpass France in GDP by working twice the hours and living in homes half the size.
But accumulated wealth, that's another thing.

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>when will korea be unified
Korea doesnt welcome Northern boys who are just part of Manchuria :) fuck off

Asia >>>>>>>>>Evropa(shit)

?????? stop spreading lies u dumb anglo mongrel

,92 children per woman
But how many “french” children per woman?

What does that say?

>China will remove all military insulation’s from the north
what are military insulations?

when will japan be unified

With whom?


>(so never)
Never say never. It's entirely plausible that over time the CCP will lose credibility and Xi will have to pull a Gorbachev, resulting in democracy (with Chinese characteristics).

A popular saying in China is supposedly "burn the body to save the soul", which might be what Xi will be forced to do.

when it becomes a province of China

i thought koreans were good in maths

We already did.
Under the name of United States

Doing proper math requires the necessary parameters. You can't just write down "find x" without a mathematically sound formula that uses x. He's missing parameters because the French government is deliberately hiding them: ethnic make-up of the general population and ethnic make-up of the population under 5 years old. So we know that by 2050 America will be minority white, but we simply do not know when this will inevitably be the case for France. Maybe they'll hit that point before America does, who knows?

I'd love to say "I thought the French were good in governance" but I can't even type that out with a straight face.


China is far too stable at the moment for that to happen, they've delivered too much prosperity to the regular people for them to ever lose faith in the government. Very few Chinese international students I've talked to even liked the idea of a representative democracy in general because it's supposedly "inefficient" in their words.

China will only collapse when its economy collapses, material conditions are everything in a second or third-world country.

I was just wondering.. We know you don’t even collect racial statistics anymore. Rip

ah, that's you again.