How is the relationship between Spain and Portugal? Is there banter? Who is the bully, who is the bullied?

How is the relationship between Spain and Portugal? Is there banter? Who is the bully, who is the bullied?

I know France bully a lot Spain with that joke of Pyrenees and vice versa.

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Other urls found in this thread:ía-help-boost-the-development-of-electricity-networks-in-Brazil-electricity-grid#

very relaxed banter of spaniards but is a thing of the past with all the globalization....

now everyone understand that we have much more in common than we thought

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Goofy good

Spain sees Portugal the way Hispanoamericans see Brazil

As rich then? I thought Spain had more money

make whatever you wish from my statement, Vinicius in Tampa

they should just come together to form one country

But we don't care about Spanish America, maybe leftists care about you.

We are two countries full of retards that can't stop losing money and used to be the elite of the world. We just feel bad for each other

we are the same country

To be frank I care more about the rest of the southern cone than anything norther than São Paulo. I'm serious, if shit hits the fan in Paraguay or a similar shithole it'll end up here, but if it happens in "nórridechtchi" who cares?

So you are pic related and leftist opinions are irrelevant. I live in Santa Catarina and I don't give a shit about any Spanish speaking country.

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they are the first country when a Spanish company internationalize, we are their main clients too and we control the main rivers so when we have drought we cut the water, other than that nobody gives a fuck, the countries that Spain look at are USA, France, Germany, UK and Italy.

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Great, you are like 0,001% of Brazilians. Now go die of AIDS/HIV and leave us alone.

that's because you're a self-hater, nothing wrong with that, but it's good acknowledging it

we consider them brothers
i think it's a little bit poorer but even better than some regions in Spain , the industrialization process in Spain not happened at all in Portugal

I think their relationship is like Bugs Bunny

No, he is just a random socialist faggot who think his opinion is relevant.

Our relationship is like pum boom piau

>So you are pic related and leftist opinions are irrelevant
No and no. I'm just pragmatic. Paraguay and Argentina are next door, while CE/PB/RJ/AL are in the middle of nowhere.

Based. We both co-manage around 1400km of electricity grid in Brazil tooía-help-boost-the-development-of-electricity-networks-in-Brazil-electricity-grid#

Nigga please, go to a spic socialist shithole, no one is forcing you to stay here. Take your remedies and go away, you will not be missed.

>that's because you're a self-hater
See I certainly don't care about you guys in Congolombia either to be honest, you're Spanish-speaking nordestinos for me.

>we consider them brothers
el galiciano

That's about it.

>go to a spic socialist shithole
Oh, got some "nórridechtchinu" mad because I don't care about him.

Nordeste? Norte? Congolombia? Venezuela? Vocês que são "prétuch", vocês que se entendam. Passou de SP de um lado e do Paraguai do outro não tem por que lembrar que o resto da América Latrina existe.

And? You are just a special snowflake. No one cares. Life goes on.

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>look at

I always thought it was more about population than anything else. They are smaller than us. But not worse. Every single country is better than out shithole.

Disgusting homossexual please, I'm from São Paulo and you are only making us cringe.

"muh o sul e branco" maymay, do you really believe you can deceive your fellow south americans on this one? Maybe you can convince naive euros or sharts, but certainly not us my dude

Might as well say you're the "éshnóufleique échpéciau" here, for caring about people who live far away from you.
"B-but muh nationalism" - the kill yourself in a war with a rifle stuck in your ass, like a soldier or similar subhuman filth.

Just keep existing so we don't need to border that cangaceirada suja to the north. Beyond that you can forget we exist.

>mfw Chile, Argentina and Paraguay are starving shitholes


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>"muh o sul e branco" maymay
Nobody even implied that.
I understand reading comprehension is a bit too hard for something that is practically a spanish-speaking nordestino or a similar animal, but do an effort. You can do it Riaimundo Nuenato. /throws riapadura

Paraguay is a shithole, but when shit hits the fan there it affects me.
Congolombia, Northeast, Pará, Venezuela are ALSO shitholes but when shit happens there it barely affects me.
And this won't change, no matter how much maps you cherry pick, Severino.

What kind of complex do Brazilians have? This thread smells like shit

Chile and Argentina are starving BROWN shitholes HAHAHAHA

>I always thought it was more about population than anything else. They are smaller than us. But not worse.Every single country is better than out shithole.
Don't get me wrong I love the selfhate of the Spaniards, Portugal is Slav tier, 500k Portugueses left in the crisis, Spain is 5 times bigger and barely 300k. Spain is Italy-tier, in some things it is better than Italy and in others worse.

Really? Real São Paulo is like pic related today, your opinion will stay irrelevant forever.

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>Vocês que são "prétuch", vocês que se entendam
Você esta ciente de que areas inteiras e até um país lá embaixo são mais marrons do que aqui, no nordeste de Brasil, na Venezuela ou alguns países no Caribe, certo? lembre-se de que nossos países não são homogêneos

>Spain is Italy-tier, in some things it is better than Italy and in others worse.
user please

Who cares about Chile?
South America AS A WHOLE is a brown shithole, deal with it. And my point still stands: Colombia or its broken Portuguese counterpart (Northeast) doesn't affect me as much as those browns from Paraguay.

I don't care, severino. Agora volte para o canavial antes que eu chame seu dono. Colombiano que fala português não é gente, é nordestino e merece ser tratado como tal.

You are discussing with pic related, he is a fucking AIDS faggot socialist. No normal Brazilians would post like that.

Lad I live with terrones

Why do you think you are people, faggot? You are the first ones that will die from corona-chan

>Oxentchi gotta pick imagesh
Last time I've checked Cracolândia was still in the buffer zone.

>oxentchi maich vócê num liga prá eu intão vócê é sócialichtcha!
Meu, eu já disse. Aquele cu de mundo cheio de marronzinhos chamado São Paulo afeta sim minha vida, mas os outros cus de mundo mais pro "nórritchi" não. É tão difícil entender isso?