/brit /

Albion Edition

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good evening ladies you are looking good tonight

remember that this is what you're clapping for

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I hate the English so much. Die all of you.

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boys light up

can rorke stop fucking freaking out please

why are brits such cucks? even the uk govt said they were surprised by how willing the uk populace were to being locked in their houses by the police



just listen to tunes and stop talking about stupid shit

love are mark like you would not believe

Not allowed in the enclosed bottom deck

to be fair, they've got fuck all else to do


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whys your healthcare system so bad

why do you have lockdown for at LEAST 3 more weeks while we're reopening stores and having gatherings up to 1000 people

what's going on over there

ah yes, this man should recieve FULL disability benefits for clearly he is incapable of working

fucking state

why's he making that stupid face?

5htp down the gullet


>how willing the uk populace were to being locked in their houses by the police
Hate toil

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>get paid to sit at home getting pissed and beating your wife up 7 days a week
are you honestly surprised the average brit is content with this lockdown lad?

i'm convinced that the world really did end in 2012 and everything since then has either been some kind of bizarre purgatory or a gradual descent into hell

Fuck off JFs



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omg le epic int banter

sod off for christs sake

This is the last night of the fair
And the grease in the hair
Of a speedway operator
Is all a tremulous heart requires
A schoolgirl is denied
She said : "How quickly would I die
If I jumped from the top of the parachutes?"

So...scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen
This means you really love me

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chinese car

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hello darkness my old friend

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Post your gaming pc specs lads

christ what are these NHS workers doing? don't they have jobs to do?


anyone seen monica lads? not seen her for a while, god she's so cute

can i refund my taxes? is that an option?

neither do I but I'm not making videos a 5 year old would think are fun

don't recall asking for your favorite "choons" or "bangers"

feeling basically single even though I have a gf because of the lockdown haha



Mental how much better Germanic and Nordic countries are handling this than Britain

sorry, I'm not a virgin

This got 923 points on /r/insanepeoplefacebook
Are they right? Are people who post things like this insane?

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don't recall asking the phillipenes what they thought. bog off twat

>sod off for christs sake

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every night in bed i imagine amers head getting sawed off with a chainsaw

>being paid to shag the wife instead of going to work
fine by me, you budget clog wog

Yas Forums outside of /brit/ and its """"""""""""""""""""""humour""""""""""""""""""""""" is probably the worst thing ive seen. certainly one of the cringiest and shittest boards on the website by a good margin

ikr, wish she was my gf

aha does she have any single girlfriends? ahah asking for a mate aha i'm obviously capable of getting a gf on my own but this bloke, aha you wouldn't believe how much of a loser he is aha

for me it’s early 70s easy listening/soft rock good for the soul that stuff

been in my head recently

he has a debilitating condition

could ping 40 yard passes like scholes with this


I think so yes, but they'll likely play the "we're just lifting spirits lmao chill out hun x" card

autistic people roleplaying as the anthropomorphic version of their own country and sincerely identifying with it

innit, so fucking jealous of anyone who gets to be her BF, just wish I could snuggle up and play some MTG with her

i had a dream last night where i was on the school bus and people kept looking at me and smirking and whispering to the person next to them

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Me too, reckon its just a hologram created by cern in the last few milliseconds of the universe exploding and things are just going to get weirder and weirder as the software collapses but no one will notice

lads imagine you were taken to hospital with chinky flu and this is the first thing you see as they wheel you inside

disappointed in you mate. grow up.

The tories

who's the insane person here, the nurse or the twitter user

plans for the day:

going to spend my exercise rations and then i'm going to big tesco for some shopping rations then online pub quiz with my parents

some time in between this i will do a 3000 word essay

>"that white boy cute!"

surprisingly hard to find a job that involves zero contact with other human beings in an environment where nobody cares if it's left stinking like shit once his shift ends

Shall finally be building a pc after 9 years of wanting to do it

same but i'm enjoying it

massive cringe what's coming out of "your" NHS honestly


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no no no, I think you misunderstood
the reply to that video is what got posted
I agree with you though, I'm so sick of these fucking videos

I had a dream where I was out walking and an old woman started yelling at me for being outside and then I threw a cup of coffee right in her face

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>max von sydow died last month
why didn't anyone tell me?

I'm team corona

Wtf people making stupid dance videos I literally cannot believe the sight of this this is a disgrace

post your build and i will critique it

big brain: it all ended a century ago we're just witnessing the fall out

its already over lads, we're basically already dead

based nilsson

the twitter user according to reddit

Signor Ferrari

but it was liked by FLAT EARTH CANADA so they must be insane for being concerned about the current situation!

and these are the same spergs making fun of lefty millennials for being easily triggered

allergic to benders, sorry x

I'm surprised Paramedics are doing this. Paramedics are the single most black pilled group of people I've ever fucking met, basically their entire humour is based around the most fucking disturbing shit you could even imagine.

We’re a week or 2 behind you. We’ll likely be at that stage come the end of our 3 weeks.

>you can't find a job that involves no physical interaction!

Covid-19: Allow me to introduce myself

would literally cringe to death if any 20+ year olds I knew told me they still lived with their parents
just isn't done unless you're a NEET mong

that's right mate, needlessly prickly behaviour
be more like this guy

ah yes neet shut ins seething at nhs tiktok videos


reckon the thousands of tiktok videos coming out of NHS hospitals is enough proof to conclude that coronavirus is a big hoax

time and place
publicly funded health service that is supposedly strained to breaking point during a global pandemic is neither the time nor place

I reckon you agree, otherwise you wouldn't have tried to hide the context to make it sound reasonable.


So epic!!

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There are almost double the amount of people watching Mark's live stream than there are in /brit/

it's over for us

Cor he did a number on you didn’t he lad

Nothing more cringe. Like brits talking about tea and queuing or overusing bloody. And Scottish people tying in their accents. Vile VF who clearly don't actually interact with their own countrymen and only have a picture of them made up from their own impression being bounced back at them by other geeks

literally who

kiss my arse lad

ahhhh crikey, this son of a hazmot been frelling up my style all frelling day

is there anything worse than entitled, working class white men in the UK? they just sit in council estates and do shitty 9 to 5 jobs that will hopefully be done by computers in 5 years time

these people just whine all day and don't realise they are worth fucking nothing to society as a whole.

free market decided.. you lost! fucking whining little bitches..

don't @ me