Balkan love edition
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What does the description say?
Quarantine turns ENTJ into INTF
Krejt KFORI nanen jau q*** te dyve
a be tatar
I would literally annihilate you, animetard.
Nothing turns an ENTJ into a non-ENTJ because the ENTJ is not driven by environment but by self-will
I wish i was ENTJ again
>>I can HEEM everyone in this van
this is not me this is some mentally ill person who keeps pretending to be me i feel bad for him
The only thing you can annihilate is copious amounts of food.
>Mentally ill person
You just met Rasha?
i meen the autistic guy who keeps posting my pic along with some pasta or heem
digital vs. analog, m?
When the fuck have I posted HEEMs?
What made Macedonian threads so successful?
Give me your wisdom on bodybuilding.
I'll be the driver of the van and you can guess what happens in my van
omnadren brat 4 vida testosteron ebalo si e maikata kazvam ti
Really makes me cringe when people list Bill Gates as a self-made billionaire.
This. Same with other NT types, INTP, INTJ, ENTP
Man I just made a shitpost and wasn't even particularly interested in the topic.
I find it more funny to pit one general/country against another like Swedes/Finns, Balts/Poles/Finns/Russians
who gives a fuck
Social mobility is kinda an important topic.
big brains = big LARPs
Lol, put your vaccine user, its mandatory, if you dont well record that and you'll be branded everywhere.
That was what it's all about, pieces of shit.
Also they will be making everyone to publicly renounce Flat Earth while they are given the vaccine. Fucking illuminati jew reptiles.
It's literally in the media today you dumb sheep
What did he mean by this...
all vaccines must be mandatory
he told you to drink omnadren and that you'll get 4 types of testosterone at once and be able to fuck your own mother (Bulgarian expression)
>veksiin bed
Fat boy is missing today, Ukrainian girl will come soon
пpeдcтaви cи дa cи тoлкoвa cлaб, чe тялoтo ти дa нe мoжe дa пoнece eднa инжeкcийкa и дa cтaнeш ayтиcт лмao cлaбaк кaтo тeбe нe e тpябвaлo дa cъщecтвyвa нa пъpвo мяcтo
the expression is "it's fucking its own mother"
essentially "motherfucker"
He better donate his money to a good cause that fucking 10-books-gates-recommends piece of shit. Together with the retard Elon Musk.
ehem balk decides if I recreate this pic.
Neighbor periodically starts blasting music on loud nigga is going crazy lmao
That's one thing. Another will be curtailing cash.
>vaccine good user
>sugar melts my organs
>vaccines turn me autistic
pathetic genes that should never have made it this far
We need a vocaroo of this
>eating pavement
big muscles, small brains. it’s the law. have you ever seen ripped scientist?
hello, is this the islamic gommunism thread?
d..don't you want a bbc to recreate it?
again this is not me, this is the autist who saved my pic and keeps posting this autism