anime edition
/v4/ + /balk/
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Blessing this thread with a cute little butt :)
>+ /balk/
I've been postponing and procrastinating project I was supposed to focus on for so long that now I'm pretty sure the management forgot it even existed in the first place
Is it safe to post Polandball now?
Should I let my hair grow? Kinda like my bro Reno Raines here
What is this long hair meme among slavs?
I knew a Croat vet who grew it out and renamed himself to Stanley.
You are obese
Now I'm seeing somekind of pattern. Croats seem to be massive burgerboos.
Why are you asking me? I am Icelandic
Slavs want to be anything but Slavs.
>tfw not give a fuck about how i look and too lazy to het my hair cut
>instead of hair getting to my shoulder level and lower, it pretty much goes upwards and stays centred around my head, so it just looks like i have a big head and looks absolutely ridiculous
my hair is not even curly at all, it just seems like my hair is too dense or something
brings me back desü
But there is nothing wrong with being a slav. It's absolutely fine.
One day...
>neighbours are gypsies
is there anything worse than this?
>the kids throw trash in my garden
>feed my dog shit that dogs shouldn't eat
>since there's like 20 of them, every other week one of them has a birthday party, and they listen to shitty gypsy music untill midnight or so
>their fucking dog keeps going into my garden because they can't fix their fucking fence
>randomly scream loud as fuck through the day
>smell like shit and burn shit on their garden which smells terribly
>generally rude and impolite
throw some bombs there
time to poomp zhe mooscles
I am an incel.
don't worry, if 50% of women in my country were whores, i would be an incel as well
Lads, I'm fucked.
I cannot shit, I have like a hard rock big shit right at the end that won't go through.
want me to help suck it out?
good ol' sauerkraut and kofola should do the trick
/balk/ go there
/v4/ stay here
> + v4
the quality of the thread suddenly dropped drastically.
Bulgars confuse me. They look like türks but behave like gipsies.
Ok so what medicine can I buy here that helps me with constipation?
mix oil with coffee
Just came to say that Polish matches are of high quality
Do you collect them?
My house is heated with little furnaces, just lit one because it's still cold at nightfall
drink salt water
use a spoon
kinky dess
coffee with milk + cigs