Say the coronavirus isn't a hoax to their faces. They dare you to

Say the coronavirus isn't a hoax to their faces. They dare you to.

Attached: hoax.jpg (1280x720, 174.06K)

Absolute based, I fucking love Americans.

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Uh what are those soy boys doing wearing masks? It’s just a flu boys, you don’t need them.

how could people with this intelligence survive adulthood

How come faggots survive after 40 years old?

The ones wearing the mask are the worst because they acknowledge the virus as a real threat but still choose to protest stopping it. They're even N95 so that means they're serious about it.

I don't know why are faggots worrying about this, it's not like they will stay alive until 70 years old anyway. They all will gonna kill themselves or die of AIDS before this.

Why are you samefagging so hard
Fucking retard


Imagine if they all got covid and ended up hospitalised with hundred thousand dollar bills plus tip, haha


>implying it's not a high IQ 4D chess scheme to wipe out a chunk of Trump's voter base for the upcoming election

>implying Democrats have any chance to win


no one trully knowns how the brain of a huezilian works, this is probably all a part of a greater scheme.

They take up arms when government takes standard practice during pandemic. But when Drumpf gives Israel 30b instead of using it for the wall they do nothing. Really makes you think

Who are they going to shoot?

Triggered poofter

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Turn the VPN off, faggot.


Are you drunk?

Imagine being this obsessed with gays that you see them everywhere
Got something to tell us user?

Maybe because 90% of "men" shilling against Boris are gays...

Where have I even mentionned Boris?

say what you want but this is based, I'd wish my sheeple would go out to protest this retarded lockdown, but instead they are applauding from their balconies

It's almost like the story the media is pushing (they are deniers) is wrong and they just don't want their local economies to suffer irreparable damage

How do we stop the alt-right menace?

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Don't play coy, retard. You're the only person in this thread reddit spacing after quoting.

why do they need guns? are they going to shoot the virus?

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Discourage law enforcement from coming to stop them

That's how all americans go about their day. They probably had to leave some at home to carry the signs and flags.

stop them from what? dying of covid-19?

Shut up Brexit means Brexit my mate Boris told me

Protesting. Kind of embarrassing that I have to explain that to you.

Only normal looking people. No people with colorful hair, nose piercings, putting hands in asses

Based as fuck.

are you drunk? or are you some other bong?

>we want to die of covid-19 and we'll kill you if you try and save us
america is a strange place

Nah mate your french two world wars and one world cup wahey

Don’t justify those retards. As if they’d turn their guns on the cops if they were lawfully told to disperse.
>wears masks
>I-I-it’s not real guys...

The virus.

guaranteed most of them have never served either.

Our general deathrate has dropped during quarantine. More people were dying every day before corona than after. Corona has not even killed as much as the flu in a single season.

>>I-I-it’s not real guys...
It's almost like the story the media pushes isn't accurate and they just don't want their local economy die irreparably (like most in the country will after this is done)

Attached: THATS WITH A VACCINE.png (723x663, 503.38K)

How is this any different from refusing vaccination though? The US foolishly let that go on and now this is happening.

He not samefagging idiot.

Brazilian is right you dumbass. I apologize for this asshole.