
Former Fyrom, manufactured identity, and monumental butthurt edition


Attached: bg-srb-mkd.jpg (700x505, 72.28K)

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Bugari = Tatari

бюpмити = aлбaнци

if we met IRL none of the bugars here would have the guts to call me or any other mace a bugar

Bolje da sme albanci nego nemieni kosooki goveda od Turkmenistan

apete4ka banned my ip range

you literally could not do a single thing to stop me from calling you a bugar, nothing

>nojle is toxic again
See you guys tomorrow

Grizzly>>>>>>KARA BOGA

you aren't a man if you are not at least 300kg

Attached: 04XdcoGX7z3elpYfW-uvTO-AkfSkECoNjpccecSAnMM.jpg (480x360, 18.61K)

debel cope

I will break your fucking teeth and have you choke on them.


i can't stop something that doesn't happen in the first place

There is no nojle. There was never any nojle here. He was literally invented by rasha. He might have posted on Yas Forums but probably never here.

кaк e пo-пpaвилнo дa ce кaжe, фиpoмит, или фиpoнeмит?

Attached: 1426545311846.jpg (600x750, 178.87K)

Podobar od bugar vo sekoj slucaj

I'd HEEM you in an instant.

Attached: 1586115071156.jpg (1932x2576, 2.11M)

i'll fuck you up pussy you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about you wouldn't even fight me in the first place bitch you're a pussy

>ke se tepaat na internet

Attached: beam me up.png (363x426, 122.46K)

Ok nojle

Post what Nojkovic pics you have

how will you heem him with a picture of me

OK, so how did old Bulgars start speaking Slavic? And why is Fyrom so ancient and Greek?

Attached: smugkot.png (392x293, 48.34K)

oh look, a real tough guy

No it's a picture of me

Die in a fire you little gypsy

Make another photoshop you cuck

>you wouldn't even fight me in the first place
No. I'd destroy you.

mudjahedin turski sin
bori se za bosnu surce svim


Can someone tell if one of the cars is a Dacia? Guy in the Q7 lives, though he has hit from the front, whilst Milen died although hit in the back. RIP. But the point is, this is why you dont buy cheap ass cars, if you can afford it dont buy plastic thrash like Dacia or the chinese crap.

Isn’t it outrageous that we lock ourselves at our homes because few boomers and fat fucks could die?

you really failed that translation

you're a bitch you have no heart for fighting i know it i can sense it in your writing style you would never fight me

Go outside and infect your parents , they might join your brother soon.