Does anybody on earth even like Romanians?

Sure doesn't seem like it.
A few French people appear to hold this misguided sympathy that they share a kinship with them because they're their "latin brothers".
Don't be fooled!
They had a language reform back in the 1800's where they imported thousands Latin and French words into their language. Even still, like half of it is still Slavic.

Attached: x92mr0bwm1g41.png (1226x719, 214.12K)

I like Romanians

I despise Romanians

I like Romanians.

they're the most average group of people ever, if that makes sense.

El CzechoslovakANO

Romanians are alright but I despise Hungarians. 2nd worst people in Europe


What do you think that map proves?
All of the Celtic languages except Irish use a Germanic word for yes. Does that mean their languages are Germanic?

As for whether people like Romanians, I literally couldn't give less of a fuck about your autistic gypsy quarrel. Nobody cares.


Wait.. Italians speak Spanish?

What happens here?

Attached: Screenshot_20200418-150746__01__01.jpg (1080x1458, 216.46K)

lol Slovenes never use "da"

why is northern yurop laughing


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This map is wrong. Oui comes from hoc illud. Òc comes from hoc

1. the "da" in romanian comes from the latin "ita"
2. the language reform did import a lot of latin words into romanian, but that doesnt matter because the structure of the romanian language was always 100% latin. the vocabulary could be 100% slavic and it wouldnt mean anything, because the structure would still be 100% latin. vocabulary is just like a coat of paint on a concrete wall. you can change the paint very easily, but the concrete is permanent and it cant be changed. the concrete structure in itself is like the structure of the language, declension, conjugations, cases and tenses
3. stop spreading misinformation, cunt

I guess that's Kashubian, a certain Pomeranian dialect that's mostly Polish, but also has German loan words. That region was German for centuries after all.

>Da from Latin
AHAHAHA then all the Slavs have the right to declare themselves Latin lol
The Romanians used Cyrillic until their King became a Prussian fagget

Notice how the Estonians, Latvians, Welsh and Breton also know how to say yes

Very based


I like all Romance language speakers. They're the real inheritors of ROMA.

I like Romanians.

I hate m*gyars.

No one says ya in Scotland.
It is exclusively aye.

>Romanians used Cyrillic
and? bosnians who speak a slavic language used the perisan alphabet. back then, alphabet used didnt correlate to the family of the language, but to the faith of the people using it. for example bosnians used the persian alphabet, we, serbia, bulgaria, albania etc used the cyrillic alphabet, and hungary and croatia used the latin script because they are catholics. you can adapt any language to any alphabet so i dont see how that is an arguement

who kyllägäng here?

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>Does anybody on earth even like Romanians?
They are always rude towards me on Yas Forums for no reason. Fuck em.

When will Hungarians go back to Mongolia? Also trianon best day of my life.

Everyone east of Elbe is Slavic, simple as

Wait, where you from originally? You don't seem to be a native Brit to me

Map is wrong, Tá doesn't mean Yes.

I am romanian

Imagine introducing yourself to a Basque nigga and he just goes 'bye'

Jebem ti mater?


no kraut, in romania we say "Maică-ta e-o curvă"

now you insulting me kek


You know, I've heard that some parts of Bosnia started using ja as well because of all the gastarbaiters. I have a Bosnian co-worker and he started using it too

Attached: Yes.png (1231x722, 209.3K)

I. E. "Yo mama whore"

:))) correct

I believe Slovenian started using it first because it was so long under the Austrians
Stuff like "bencin" and 'šport" also reek of unnecessary Germanisms to me

Kys bozgor

celts got cucked by the germanic bvll

I like Romanians. They are just Bulgarians that speak Romanian cus reasons.