I absolutely fucking despise London

I absolutely fucking despise London

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Why? It's not that bad

I hate you too

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Shocking opinion, provincials don't like the capital, not seen this before

>provincials don't like the capital
Yup, it's like this in every single god damn country

The rest of the UK outside major cities sometimes has a twee historic feel to it that is quite cute but not something that interests me as a place to live. London is one of the greatest places to live in all of Human history. People, thousands of years from now, will read books about life in London and what we got up to. Millions around the world dream of living in London. It's absolutely fantastic.

>I absolutely fucking despise London

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1) Demographics -London is UK's most populous city - just over 13% of UK population live here. Londoners are younger than anywhere else in UK (median age 34 vs 40 in rest of UK), more ethnically diverse than anywhere else in UK (45% of London is white British vs 92% in UK), more educated (58% vs 38% graduates in working age population) and earn more money than rest of UK. This "very different" population is also growing faster than rest of UK [1].

At the moment (2015) Londoners vote differently than the rest of UK. For example much higher percentage of people here voted for the Labour party in last general election than nationally. Consequently there are more Labour party MPs from London than any other region in UK.

2) Economy - London economy is bigger than anywhere else. With 13% of the population it produces just over 22% of UK's economic output (so by productivity measure the people here are more productive). If London were a country it would have been the sixth largest economy in Europe. Unemployment rate here is consistently lower than anywhere else in UK and even during the "great recession" in 2008, the jobless rate here was much lower.

(2) above has a consequence, which brings me to point 3 - infrastructure. Or may be (3) made (2) happen, I don't really know

3) Infrastructure - London's top class public transport is better than anywhere else in UK. If you see London and get impressed, thinking everywhere else in UK is like that you'll be badly mistaken. Wales, Scottish highlands, north east of England etc feel almost like a different country. Far more money is spent in London public infrastructure than anywhere else and you can feel it [2].

>Yup, it's like this in every single god damn country
No one hates DC here

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It’s alright I suppose. The problem is as I see it is that everything in Britain is London this and London that. It’s got a comprehensive subway/tube system whereas apart from a 1 track ring in Glasgow and a pretty cool Metro in Newcastle (how did that happen) the rest of the UK has nothing whatsoever. We’ve got a 1 track tram system in Birmingham (whoopee fucking do!) but other big cities like Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool etc have got no Metro subway systems at all. Maybe it’s the geology? I don’t know but I suspect it’s because those places aren’t “that there London”.

I have been there a number of times the past few years for work and my own business and I quite like the difference compared to my wee village of 2000 people and a village shop, but I can’t wait to get home out of the noise and smell and hectic speed of the place.

The tube is ok but a bit rickety and obviously unplanned (the “circle” line isn’t a circle dear Londoners) but it gets you from A to B ok once you’ve worked out how to operate it. Talking to anyone isn’t generally done which I find a bit odd, but it doesn’t and won’t stop me prattling on to random Londoners I happen to be stood next to. Jolly nice folks most of them from cabbies and tube station staff to shopkeepers and most other people. They usually smile at my banal remarks on their tube but they probably think I’ve escaped from Birmingham and the Brummie Police will swoop at any moment to take me back to the City in the Middle of Nowhere.

I just thought, I have to go down that there London soon to do some business that I can only do in London which means I’ll have to suffer the awful Euston Station again. That’s annoying, but I have a couple of nice hotels I stay at from time to time and have worked out their cute little underground choo-choo trains so I’ll be alright. Great restaurant in South Kensington that does amazing fish and chips so I’ll go there but it’s not cheap.

im from capital i dislike living in it because pollution and overpopulation but i also dislike provincial people and their mindsets, especially southerners

Odio las mentiras
pero adoro a mi familia
Y por ellos yo voy a luchar

Y la
cruz de lota
llevo en mi pecho
que no he de olvidar

fue donde vivi mi infancia
pero ya tengo ganancias
y gracias ya andamos bien

vestidos a
patito fino
lo que me
iran a aportar

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no offence, but you sound like a retard.

love how wacky brown people names are
imagine naming your child rasheed or osama lool

fucking bizarre post

not a pixel

I thought it sounded like some literal who's blog post and I was right, it was stolen from this:


london is alright but I wouldn't live there

i don't see the point in raging about london, the rest of england is basically as shit if not worse with none of the upsides

I absolutely fucking despise the *nited K*ngd*m

this, we live rentfree in pr*vincial heads while we dont even know where their """town""" is

A lot of new world countries pick random cities to be their capital rather than picking a city that is culturally significant (e.g. USA, Australia, Brazil, etc.). Although even in these countries, a lot of people still seethe over the most densely populated areas (New York, California, Melbourne, etc.)

I've been there for a bit. and I don't get what is so cool about it.
1. It is huge and it takes forever to go anywhere, even though the infrastructure is very good.
2. It is full of ethnicities that I don't want to live near. Never mind, that I will be just another foreigner. There are parts with human feces on the streets.
3. It is overpopulated. Living is very expensive as a result and the job market is overcrowded, too. Every good place is crowded like a livestock pen.

If you can work from a distance there is no good reason to be slave to that filthy place. Not sure about the dating life in a megapolis.

I despise cities in general

Can you get a black gf there easily

Why do capitals make villageboomers seethe so much?

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Capitals are always the worst places with the most obnoxious people in any cunt

same, expect I dislike everyone

me? not too concerned

You don't get a black gf a black kween takes you

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