Italians eat a lot of pasta

>Italians eat a lot of pasta
>Argentinians eat a lot of meat
>Asians eat a lot of rice
>Portuguese eat a lot of fish
>Americans eat a lot of fast food
what does your country eat

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Frozen pizza.

Rice and beans


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Potatoes, also a great dish for christmas dinner

germans love meat and sausage too

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based feijoada


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Yeah sure that's true, but we also love potatoes

Haha most developed nation in the world my ass

Chinese eat a lot of bat supposedly

My country eats a lot of roast beef

Simple as

soulless intellectual nations dont care about having good food on the plate, they only care about working and profits
thats how you get into the
"most developed" list, giving away your soul for money

Corn and chillies


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Potatoes and pork.

fish and root vegetables

Tex-Mex by far. At least where I live.


is poland just poor version of germany

A tu vieja

though strangely, my favorite combination is a bit of east and west: rice with tartar sauce

i thought those lists were more about how hard it is to have a reasonably peaceful or comfortable life

there's literally nothing wrong with potatoes and pork, both are delicious.


Arepas, beans, rice

Not really, but being occupied by both Ruskies and Germans for over century had killed much of our culture.

Despite the meme, we dont actually eat that much Sauerkraut, things almost every german eats daily are:

basically, yes

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Dont most Europeans eat that stuff except those sandniggers in the south


Meat pie

All of it in random days. Except that fish is very expensive where I live although the meat is cheap.