Which is the worst extreme Moor Southern Shithole in Europe?

They both provide that stereotypical image to both Spain and Italy. Their people are browner than the rest, extremely religious, sweaty, half-gipsy half-moor, rude, stink more than the average, really passionate, lazy, dirty and parasites of their nations.

The food is good tho and their towns are SOUL.

Attached: Captura de pantalla 2020-04-19 a las 9.57.06.png (1310x644, 238.36K)

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Andalusia is based and you are a cuck from either Galicia or Franco wasteland
They also contribute a lot to the economy

The one with the Mafia. As far as i know Andalucia does not have a International mafia.

No, I'm Basque-Catalan. That's why I have authority to start this thread

Yeah, you sure?

Attached: Foto-loslunesseriefiloscom_EDIIMA20190629_0338_19.jpg (643x362, 53.47K)

Andalucia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shitcily

I've always wanted to know if Italy has its own, Torrente. Do you have you stereotype character?

A typical sicilian? Watch the Godfather

But more about self-mockery. Not a serious portrait

Andalucians are more tanned from the sun but they don't really look much "browner" than the average Spaniard.

worst shithole in Europe is in Eastern Europe somewhere.

bewteen those two Sicily is worse though.

are you calling me brown mi amigo?

spaniards look like light mexicans

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mexicans look like darker spaniards

Excuse me, kind sir, but as a Northern Spaniard, I can assure you I am of European extraction and physically undistinguishable from people north of the Pyrenees. Our society is restrained, introvert and wholly intellectual, unlike that of the trirracial people dwelling in Andalusia.

as someone who has visited both andalucia and sicily, and is intricately familiar with live in the so-called mena region, sicily is quite clearly closer to mena than andalucia
andalucia was barely different than the rest of spain whereas sicily is clearly different from most of italy

>No, I'm Basque-Catalan

No shit yank, it's called genetics

Are you a nafri or something

I wouldn't tag Andalusians as stupid people. Yes, they are indolent. But they have achieved many things for humanity too. What I don't really understand is that they are continuously calling for attention and most of them don't have enough emotional intelligence to analyze different contexts or situations. I used to hang out with a really cute girl from Cádiz some months ago and her outgoing and impertinent behavior was a big turn off, couldn't make it. Hyperactive without manners female

Sounds fun

I guess it's easier for Spaniards to realize and see the differences. They are humble but mostly clean. Their streets are not as dirty and decadent as the Sicilians. But they understand life differently.

>mostly clean

Compare this two:



they both look like SOUL

Biased, two cute zones from downtown. Hay zonas y zonas, esas están más limpias de lo normal.

Almería is a fucking shithole, poorest city, take a trip:,-2.4690697,3a,75y,173.2h,89.13t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1seHYSkFZjLRIC7QyD7hcoHg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

>Charming, lots of culture, nice people
>full of loud rude subhumans who have 0 morals and would steal from literally anyone outside their family, only slightly more moral than an actual gypsy

VERY ironic post

The castle is beautiful tho eheh

What an abomination

yupamela cerdo pagnolo

we will be back and take from the christcucks and the cumskins what is ours, for allah!

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