>Basically with same borders since 13th century
>Ethnically homogeneous
>Great colonial empire
>Barely affected during WWI and WWII
>No uber-aggressive neighbors like Greece with Turkey requiring military expenses
>Still poor shithole on par with Croatia
How the hell did they fuck up this badly?
They played civilization on tutorial mode with all cheats on and still failed.
How did they fuck up so badly?
Other urls found in this thread:
they are having a good time
>bullied Portugal of Central Africa just to fulfill some autists dream of having a railway from Cairo to South Africa
>couldn't even build it because Germany cockblocked them
Literally an earthquake did all that
also I know Napoleon severely fucked with Spain's empire following an invasion of the peninsula but I can't remember if the same war had the same effect on Portugal
Yeah, bad things happened in Portugal and Galicia by then.
They sold their early industry to England in 1700s for political support in some war and since then were always English economical colony at least until the joining EU
Maybe that's why
>Basically with same borders since 13th century
>Great colonial empire
You do realize those contradict each other, right?
Anyway. Maybe being 60 years (1580-1640) under the rule of a neighbouring country, with a retard as a "king", had something to do with this.
>Basically with the same borders since 13th century
>Ethinically Arabic
>Great imperialist empire
>Cucked by Germany during WWI and WWII
>Only neighbors are literal Scots
>Still affording Greek's debt while they don't even have free college
How did this happen to the Anglx?
> One of the richest countries in the world
> UNSC member
> Powerful military/nukes
> Didn't pay shit for Greece because pound sterling
> Cucked the shit out of Germoney in both world wars. Occupied part of their country and took their scientists and patents
> First country to love EU
Ok John Silveira from Providence, Rhode Island
Maybe their lives are comfy and you can't see that in statistics. USA has great power and presence, but the life there is not very good.
*leave the EU
>How the hell did they fuck up this badly?
Because,Portugal is not real. They're NPC or imaginary friend of spain
>>> First country to love EU
Confirmed, English is not a real language, it is a collection of grunts
I think there's more Poortuguese in Fall River Massachusetts. place is a shithole
Dude they are a small nation, let them be in peace. Just throw shit to us, we deserve it more
They did get pretty cucked by the Iberian union by inheriting Spain’s economic fuck ups and enemies. Also they didn’t industrialise very quickly and lacked coal to support industrialisation and couldn’t keep up with other countries in colonial pursuits later on. Then had some pretty dysfunctional governments, shit republic and then some sort of semi fascist rule.
lack of motivation to improve
no real enemies, no real challenges
just taking life easy
you tricked them into not becoming part of Spain
> (OP)
>You forgot the they're the biggest manlets in all of Europe and the male height is 5'6 at most
So, can you show on the doll where the little bad darkie portuguese fucked your girlfriend? Stay mad amerishit.
>Basically with same borders since 13th century
If u don't consider overseas territories I guess u could say so, but that hasn't stopped u cunts from becoming the current shithole u are aswell
>Ethnically homogeneous
>Great colonial empire
U faggots and the Dutch were constantly stealing our shit
>Barely affected during WWI and WWII
Which meant no gibs from America and other countries, Germany wouldve looked like Armenia if not for gibs, and u guys, the french and Italians wouldnt be too far aswell
>No uber-aggressive neighbors
The Spanish to this day still believe they own us, and during our colonial days everyone was against us owning those lands, even the fucking Americans were paying for the rebellions in Angola so they could profit out of it
Putting all people living in modern day Portugal as an ethnic group is wrong most portuguese people are mixed only a few are pure iberian.
Oh you mean... which world wars? The ones that the Soviets and Americans won for you? Brits are cucks, literally don’t know how to fight. Irish can fight.
Just imagine
Wrong, we are pretty much homogeneous:
>"This population has been relatively homogeneous for most of its history: a single religion (Catholicism) and a single language have contributed to this ethnic and national unity, namely after the expulsion of the Moors and Jews. (...)
>Native Portuguese are an Iberian ethnic group, whose ancestry is very similar to other Western and Southern Europeans and Mediterranean peoples, in particular Spaniards, followed by some regional French and Italians with whom they share a common ancestry, history and cultural proximity.
>The most important demographic influence in the modern Portuguese seems to be the oldest one; current interpretation of Y-chromosome and mtDNA data suggests that the Portuguese have their origin in Paleolithic peoples that began arriving to the European continent around 45,000 years ago. All subsequent migrations did leave an impact, genetically and culturally, but the main population source of the Portuguese is still Paleolithic. Genetic studies show Portuguese populations not to be significantly different from other European populations.[123]"
Colonial empire, was not the nations borders.