Mexicans, explain "gringo" to me. Does it refer to all white people, or only white foreigners? Is e.g...

Mexicans, explain "gringo" to me. Does it refer to all white people, or only white foreigners? Is e.g. Canelo Alvarez a gringo?

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I thought they just called Americans that

gringo is white foreigners
we call local whites (or whites in general) güero

Ty friend

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Here we used to word "gringo" to refer to all kinds of foreigners, even neighbours. I wonder if we took this word from Mexicans.

No you are as much a gringo as I am, sorry

might be different in portuguese but any foreigner is a gringo, a mexican is a gringo to us

gringo: us citizen.
You can be a white gringo, a black gringo, and (may allah forgive me for uttering this word) a chicano is a pocho or mexigringo.

Anyone else really want to fuck her?

It means white americans when used to refer to someone in particular
It means the american people and their way of life when used in plural

No you are the only one

Who wouldn't?
Imagine the benefits.

What do you call other white foreigners?

I use gringo only for people of USA. Thing is, we assume any white tourist is a gringo until proven otherwise

white americans only
a white spaniard isn't a gringo, he's a gachupin
a white mexican isn't a gringo, he's a güero pendejo

Gringo and white foreigner aren't synonymous, but you usually need to point out that the gringo isn't white, Will Smith is a "negro gringo".

God, I wish I was (more of) a manlet

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>be medfag trainee
>Mexican comes in for alcohol withdrawal
>gets bad delirium tremens
>keeps referring to white female attending doctor as "pinche gringa"
>she has no clue what it means

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Do Mexicans use it differently?
In south america we use it for any race if said person has american citizenship

AOC was hot af as a uni student. she was even hotter than tulsi before she blossomed, pic related.

Attached: Tulsi-gabbard-promoted-major.jpg (420x420, 56.09K)

Are Canadians gringos?

What does it mean?

If you know their nationality, the nationality. Otherwise they're just güeros.
Spaniards are gachupines

I interpreted it as "Fucking white bitch"

Implying white people don't already know basic Spanish

There are not black gringos, nor chicano gringos. Only whites are gringos. Blacks = negros, Chicanos = pochos, chicanos, Asians = chinos

>be Mexican
>the fattest person in the room automatically becomes "gordo"
Why are Mexicans so judgmental lads?

and how are you going to tell a canadian or european from an american
>inb4 clothes
that's bs to be honest. neither dresses particularly different from americans
>Will Smith is a "negro gringo".
i've never people call someone black a gringo they just call them negros or morenos

Not in South America, no.
Gringo can be anything, as long as it has a stupid anglo accent.

gringo isn't an insult in mexico, maybe a bit colloquial
chicanos do use it as one, though so if one of them calls you that you should probably be offended


>chicanos do use it as one

Not really surprising since they can't speak Spanish anyway.

not mexican, but here "gringo" only means American.

A canadian is not a gringo

Also, gringo is not related to race. Will smith is a gringo here, kanye west is a gringo here. kim kardashian is a gringa here

Here it's very specific, like when Cubans and Argies say Yanqui

How I miss drinking with my pal el pinche Gordo

gringo here means a blonde-haired person, can be from any nationality