
The Sonoma Show Episode 4 Edition (Hopefully the Finale)

Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=drbBN7_txB4

Previous: Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Yas Forums, Yas Forums, /sp/, and /bant/, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitLab page.

How to install: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Yas Forums

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Yas Forums/tree/master/maps
About Yas Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

>Making Flags?

>Having troubles installing the script?
Ask here

>Looking for flags?
The 4 boards that have integrated default flags are Yas Forums, /bant/, Yas Forums and /sp/. Happy hunting :^)

>Other flag tools?
Flaggot: github.com/dnsev/flaggot
Flag Fixer: github.com/ebinBuddha/Yas Forums-Flag-Fixer
Extra Flag Lister: github.com/ebinBuddha/Flag-Lister-for-Yas Forums
TAMPA: gitlab.com/Tampanon/TAMPA

Attached: Flag-Syria.gif (375x250, 5.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:


kern post the edit as well

American education at its finest

Last thread counted as 3. two before that was 2 and 1

See and check'em again buddy

me btfo

5th for stop whining you bitch



Attached: 1586047871917.jpg (720x572, 54.67K)


some mockups for future FLORIDA designs I'd like to implement
let me know if there are any you guys like, such as gyronny fields etc.
might consider adding them in if I get proficient enough with IM designs
probably going to get started sometime this week

Attached: DesignsForFLORIDA(1).png (2339x942, 441.49K)


Welcome to /flag/ Pennanon.

thanks but im just changing mine. im the same penns. poster who posting that strawpoll about incels last night.

I couldn't help myself. Forgive me for my sins

Attached: 1587252133652.png (375x250, 39.32K)

That's cool. I completely did all of Penn's municipals so if you feel like posting any future road trips, commutes, etc. it would be awesome. I still need a couple of counties close to yours.

Attached: USA 2nd lvl map.png (4200x3105, 1.05M)

>if you feel like posting any future road trips, commutes, etc.
I just realized how stupid of me it was to say this given there's a pandemic going on and most states are coercing people to stay at home

lol. ill consider that after the pandemic but i doubt ill be taking trips through pennsylvania

just woke up
what about something like this?

Attached: des.png (770x529, 191.75K)

>thread theme isn't this

ok... anybody know how to install?
I'm fucking lazy to read tutorials

>Can't read a small amount of instructions
You must be 18+ to use this board

all my fucking day I read ITIL tickets, emails and skype meetings... No.. I won't read your stupid tutorials just to please you.

go to flagtism.gitlab.io/Extra-Flags-for-Yas Forums/ and follow the 10 steps that are written there

>No.. I won't read your stupid tutorials just to please you.
Then why are you here

some fucking mexican told me to install that extra flags shit. Not because of you that's for sure.

Obviously retard

>tfw Gorona probably killed license plate hunting
Phratten the curb pls

Idk if I ever told you but I used to be super into license plates as a young kid, and my mother used to take me license plate hunting at the local college, which was always fun because the out-of-state students and their families had cars with license plates from all the different states. I think the only one I never saw was Delaware.

I even collected license plates for a while, my late grandfather (bless his soul) once sent me a bunch of old Montana license plates (he was living there at the time) for my birthday. I think I still have them under my bed.

Show pics

>look under bed
>they're not there
must have moved them, i'll look for them next time i go into the shed. I have maybe 20 of them.

do you keep dildos under your bed?

no, just shoes, old notebooks and binders from past school semesters, my boxed PS4 and Astro headset from when I used to console game, and some old pictures of me as a baby and my cat