
For the British

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>gondola was only invented in 2015
wtf lads

First for the utter annihilation of the Faroe Islands

p*o n*gger

...and yanks too.

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someone say the n word

a toast! a toast to /brit/!

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also from 2013
mad year

Good evening my fellow British gamers



(Im a dual citizen)

but it's illegal


Is Greggs actually any good, or is it just a meme like Nandos?

rate my irish accent:

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na not really

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>Got sexually harrassed and bullied by a group of girls in high school
>Can only fap to femdom type porn
I'm starting to think there's a link here

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Can't think of a more effay way to die than being stabbed through the heart.

>Got sexually harrassed and bullied by a group of girls in high school
God I wish that were me

Why yes, I do subscribe to the ‘Yeah the Boys’ philosophy to life

Oi you got a loicense fo that?

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>faroe islands are literally above us
had no idea, never even heard of them

No you got it wrong, the reason you got bullied by girls is the same reason your into femdom. Your a sub.

You don’t inhale cigar smoke? You just blow it back out?

Mental that Peterson and Rogan are the only gentiles in this pic

no you don't
be quiet


It only kills you when you take the knife out too

What did they do user?

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Sound like a spastic

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I really do though

pretty sure they are closer to britain than the channel islands are yet the danes rule it

yeah you just keep it in your mouth, try inhaling it if you want and you'll see why its not the best idea

you can buy a house on aliexpress

did i fucking stutter?!

jews are high IQ innit

youre sort of halfway there

Channel Islands sound based

Verbally, yes.

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does this look like /eire/? fuck off dickhead

What’s the point if you’re not inhaling?




Any 1980s German football shirts man in?

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h-h-hey g-g-g-guys what's g-going on?

would you?

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Faroe–Soviet Friendship Association (Danish: Færøsk-Sovjetisk Venskabsforening), was a pro-USSR organization in the Faroe Islands founded in 1979, as a section of Landsforeningen Danmark-Sovjetunionen (National Association Denmark-Soviet Union). The chairman of the association was Andreas S. Højgaard. The association arranged cultural exchanges and study trips to the Soviet Union.

fuck off you smelly nonce runt, i'll tear you in two

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Is it gay to cuddle with a friend, asking for a friend

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well i live in ireland yet here i am eh

do you reckon all the catholic priests became child molestors after becoming a priest or became a priest so they could molest children? Whole things sounds so odd

aaaaaaaaaaaa BOLLOCKS
ya must be jokin
yup yup yup yup

its a meme. their pastries are greasy and the sandwiches stale

It will sound weird lad but my parents wouldn't buy me boxers even when I was 13. So I had to wear tighty whities which was considered dorky/geeky. Anyway one time in gym class I was changing and some chad bully lads saw and laughed at my undies. They told a group of bully girls who they were friends with, then kept trying to take off my trousers during school, call my cock tiny or give me wedgies and shit. They laughed at my bad acne as well. They never actually did manage to get my trousers off though. This only lasted for a few weeks until I got really angry at my mum and she bought me some boxers.

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well do you have to inhale food to taste it? You taste it in your mouth, goes much better after/while drinking and eating.

Not much mate yourself?
(Don’t worry mate I’ll see to it no one mentions the ol’ stutter aye)

probably looks like a man without makeup
probably has an atom's apple
probably has bigger hands than me
probably has man farts and male prehormones
yeah, nah

sounds grim

my father went with them, or maybe some other communist group to a trip to leningrad.
there was also a popular split off albanian-maoist leftwing group in the 80s here.

>atom’s apple

Yas Forums is literally just a mirror of reddit. full of retards

reckon i'm one of the coolest and funniest and most opinionated lads in /brit/
literally start discussions with one line posts

i've never worn boxers
only boxer briefs

Feel like there’s a connection with powerful people and molestation and rape

hahaha tat's great

>albanian-maoist leftwing group in the 80s here
didn't know the faroes had hoxhaists
highly based

your sperm count must be dwindling


based as fuck

Used to wear Y-fronts in the 90s.

click the little x button then you crying little bitch

But I don’t like the smell of smoke but the process of inhaling/exhaling feels good. Does cigar smoke taste much different?

Gettin drunk on zoom with the lads wbu fellow anglos

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Do you reckon people on reddit make fun of us like we do them?

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yeah, big variety ofc

There's probably a reddit page for it


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Don’t care to be honest
For me it’s not even mentioning them

in 2025 every woman will have an onlyfans

i chop an eighth on her breast, nine grand on me head, d10 for the stress
dublin to the death, ringsend represent, don't dare ya forget
move weight like a jet, high stakes like a bet, caught a case like a net
i done a line off her chest, undressed off her dress, then i came on her neck

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No lad. I browse both Reddit (in work because I would get fired if I browsed Yas Forums) and Yas Forums and they're alright with you'z

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for me? it's the italian social republic

did that with a small cigar once, odd feeling hard to describe. didn't cough or anything.

business idea: gay version of onlyfans but called onlymans (like tinder vs. grindr)
not gay just think it would be quite successful

Playing Xbox with the lads atm


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Who's mans???

bit weird that kids nowadays are growing up with tranny classmates

>Russian Empire becomes run by German nobility
>Rename city on the Baltic to "Sankt Petersburg"
>Russia goes to war with Germany
>Rename city "Petrograd" to sound more Russian
>Communists take over the country
>Rename city to "Leningrad"
>Communists fall
>City changed back to "St Petersburg"
The eternal HUN winning in the longrun

i have quite simply annihilated a small jumping spider with mortein

Sounds like a good idea

Yas Forums
>Nooo! You can't call me reddit, you're reddit!
>Yas Forums? Oh you mean r/Yas Forums? I love that subreddit

ive never posted on reddit

ive never used reddit, you have to make an account on reddit and ive never made one

i dont even know how to post on reddit, i wasnt built for reddit im a Yas Forums man always have been always will be

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i once got pants by some girls and was wearing bart simpson boxers that said "eat my shorts"

hitler always said russia was founded by germanics

tense with he neighbor.
whiskey stain bucktooth backwood creep, grizzly bear mutherfucker never goes to sleep.

>The Australian government officially denounces WHO in a new statement, requests independent inquiry into their coronavirus response
“If we listened to WHO when Geneva complained about us shutting the borders to China, we’d be in a much worse state right now!”

Rasheed BTFO


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