
ישוע вocкpece edition

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bait thread still up

So the gypsy muslim defend is a literal zoyboy with predominately mongoloid genes.

Do you remember the little cute poll you made several weeks ago, sweet Sloni? Do ya, lil nig? The “democratically” /balk/ votes? You remember them?

As it’s pointless to post here about any topic.

Support my thread, cux

Blacks didn’t defeat germans, romans, byzantines, finno-ugrics, swedes, mongols, ottomans, austrians and italians.

imagine being such a cuck that you feel the need to prove yourself to a bunch of western pussies

fyrombey on suicide watch

The Third Half is playing on TV right now, very based movie, makes bugars angry

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I dont know what you expected honestly.What's your definition of white? Everyone to have platinum golden hair and diamond blue eyes? We are not northeners after all, we are southeners. To me, dark hair and eyes with pale skin and caucasoid face is still considered white. Despite also having blonde / blue-eyed bulgarians we have many cases of dark hair + blue / green eyes.We can never be compared to the nordics and it would be retarded to do so. We are a different phenotype in our own way.

They are actually sucking up to the Germans in the movie and showing us as the true villains. Good to see that (C)MPT is still under old leadership.

nobody wants to be compared to a nordic sissy, to me this is the greatest shame

Smrds have this weird inferiority complex in their psyche since their occupation under austria hungary, where they bend off and suck any nationality that they perceive is more “civilized” so they could civilize them too. Thankfully, we BVLLgars have enough dignity to stand on our own two feet and not lick anyone’s butthole

Millions of slavs died like street animals and the last thing they saw before they kicked the bucket was the view of Turkish men raping their beloved wives as their painful wailing mixed up with their wives’ moaning.

I identify as white and my nipples are brown.

why are you so cringy

So a literal turk/arab who has stayed inside his house? See, this is why you're wrong.

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никви ютa зa хлeбapкaтa

You can’t do that to people that are a head taller than you, but whatever makes you sleep at night



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Happy Easter Orthodox bros

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>sauvagerie bulgare
what's wrong with partying with some turkish girls


If I was Turkish I would be ashamed to post this, honestly. It just portrays what kind of people you are. I mean I don’t expect a lot from a Mudslime, but still.

> On January 19, 1878, 40 Albanian deserters retreating from the Ottoman army broke into the house of elder Taško, a serf, in the Bujanovac region, tied up the males and raped his two daughters and two daughters-in-law,[12] then proceeded to loot the house and left the village

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>we freed ourselves from X once it was already in a deep decline after centuries under their yoke, or after they murdered like 1/3 of our population like Swedes
Wow, being a Slav is truly amazing.
>we defeated Romans
Holy shit, this is a whole new level of we wuzzery. And don't even try to wiggle out with "b-b-but I was talking about Byzantines."


why are turkish bvlls so afraid of sausage?

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There is an idea of Rasha. Some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me. Only an entity. Something illusory. And though I can hide my hot rage, and you can read my posts and see English, and maybe you can even sense that I can find joy in shitposting too, I simply am obsessed with makkes.

>“On the 13th day of the month, market day, the Bulgarian army had placed machine-guns, each with eight soldiers to gather the people and to rip down their white plis, which made it clear that you are not a Shqyptar but you are a Bulgarian, and of these more than 300 were imprisoned at Jahja Pasha's Mosque where they were kept arrested until 6 o'clock after lunch“.

>“In the prefecture of Presheva, in the village of Shunicë (Zhunicë) they have beaten the village chief Adem Mehmeti, because he did not let them plunder the village, then the Bulgarian Army has robbed by accident garments of women and grain, and beside these they have beaten many people in the village and have also plundered 7,000 pounds of grain and 20,000 pound of grass... also in Sumolic village they have plundered the clothes of the mosque...this report presents the violence exercised by the Bulgarian army in the villages of Cenotic, Bilic, Negofe, Noesel, Trnoc... In Skopje, more than 50 people were imprisoned, just because they have placed white plis on their head...

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> In this case Ramdan Presheva himself was awitness.“Also on 13th, on the road called Toptana coming from Kaçanik, from more than 300 young people their white plis have been torn in pieces and they have been imprisoned in the barracks called Tophane and nothing is known about their situation“(AQSh, F. 23, v.1941, d. 25, 237)In a letter from the deputy prefect of Gnjilane,Yahya Bacaj, sent on September 17th1941, to the High Civil Commissariat for Kosovo, Debar and Struga and the the Prefecture of Pristina, through which the latter announced that 21 Albanian families because of persecution by Bulgarians, as well as others due to the political nature were forced to flee their homes and settle within the Albanian border(AQSh, F. 23, v. 1941, d. 25, 245-246)

>In an information from the deputy prefecture of Gjilan, dated 4th of October 1941, reported to the Prefecture of Pristina on the killing of Isuf Hamid by the Bulgarian army.They also called for intervention in order to take actionthrough diplomatic waysto stop the violence exercised systematically by the Bulgarian army to the detriment of the Albanian element. (AQSh, F. 167, v. 1941, d.72, 45-46). During the year 1941,there were successive requests directed tothe authoritieslikethe senior civilian commissar, and the leaders of the prefectures and sub-prefectures who were informedabout the plundering of the population, mistreatments, imprisonments, and killings of the Albanian population by the Bulgarian invaders.Such is the request from the sub-prefect of Gostivar, Xhavit Kallajxhiu, sent on 16 December 1941, to the prefect of Dibra, whereby the latter is informed of the mistreatment and plunderingof Albanian citizens by Bulgarian guards at the border crossing point in Zhelino

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What’s wrong with that? Aside from the animal abuse of course LMAO

>Witha letter from the Inspector General for Kosovo, sent on 28 May 1942, informsKoço Tasithe Prime Minister „about the ill-treatment of 700 (seven hundred) Albanianby the Bulgarian authorities;men, women and children from the areasunder Bulgarian control cross the boundary tothe Municipalities of Partesh and Pozharan and resettledon Albanian land in the villages of Gjilan and Ferizaj, near the border“(AQSh, F. 814, v.1942, d.14, 5).About these ill-treatments the general inspector for Kosovo Koço Tasini, informedon 28 May 1942 also the Prefecture of Prishtina as well as the sub-prefectures of Gjilan and Ferizaj.He is also informed on 9 June 1942 about the murder of the farmer Ibrahim Hasani by Bulgarians

>But despite the expansion of Bulgarian space, yetthe Bulgarians were still not satisfiedwith the occupation zone and theirclaims for expansion of their zonewere perpetual.In order to achieve these objectives, the Bulgarian authoritieshad organized various circles to exert pressure on the Albanian population, which would be forced to leave their homes.According to a document,it is proved that such organizations „in the village Klemeshtan of the Municipality of Meshavishit in the district of the sub-prefecture of Struga,is often seenagroupof about 180 people armed with rifles, machine guns and bombs. Based on our information, this armed group came from Bulgaria“ . In order to accomplish its goals, the Bulgarian occupiersactivate extreme Macedonian-Bulgarian circles

>In a telegram dated31 from the Prefecture of Dibra, was asked for a diplomatic demarchedirected tothe Bulgarian government for not torturing Albanians.This notice stated, inter alia: “Information from reliable sources state that the Bulgarian authorities started on 27to mistreat Albanian minorities in Bitola and Prilep. They have arrested a large number of them, and it isnot exactly knownwhere they are”

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>With a request, the Albanians in the Bulgarian occupation zoneseek weapons in order to protect themselvesfrom the Bulgarian and Serbian authorities.In this claim, they had reflectedin detail the killingsof children from the age of 2years, who was killedwith his father Ramiz Durmishi, up to the age of 70, such as the murder of Rexhep Sherif and dozens of other people and injuring hundreds of others.This document reflects the event of August 15, during which the Bulgarian authorities, in cooperation with the Serbian partisans, attacked believers who were performing the religious obligation during the Taravian time, four of whom died and 24 were injured.

>On the other hand, the Bulgarian government, rather than prohibitingthe discrimination ofAlbanians, it continued even to intensify their mistreatment.From an archive document we learn about the improper treatment of Albanians, where among otherthings is said:“...the Bulgarian government has for days intentionally called for the mobilization of all Albanian citizens that lived in its occupation zone, aged 18-45 ... and sends them to distantplaces and heavy workand no one should daretoopposes this illegal call...”

>About the torture against the Albanian population, we learn from a report that asked theAlbanian authorities to engage in a vigorousintervention and stop such actions from Bulgarians(AMPJ, F.151,v.1944, d.972, 1).While in another report on the Bulgarian cruelty against the Albanians of Skopje, Kumanovo, Presevo, Gjilan, accurate data are provided about the atrocities, imprisonments and killings of the Albanian population by the Bulgarians, where the number of the first is enormous.

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I'm waiting for the inevitable "H-haha s-s-shkiyet look h-how triggered you are! I was only j-joking!"

>The Bulgarian invaders declared all Albanian territories annexed by them as an integral part of the Bulgarian Kingdom. The policy followed by the Bulgarians against the Albanians during their rule in these areas was usually of the ordinary brutality. Albanians were interned, imprisoned, and killed in the most inhuman ways. In others word, they have been denied every national and human right. As a result of the violence and pressure on the part of the Bulgarian invaders, by September 1942, 3.000-4.000 Albanians were displaced from their lands invaded by the Bulgarians

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You seem to skip questions pointed towards you. How nice. Just answers what’s in his interest.

i'm not reading any of these copypastas virgin nerds

H-haha s-s-shkiyet look h-how triggered you are! I was only j-joking!

This is what hundreds of thousand Bulgarian men saw before giving their last breath in their shacks

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>In conclusion, we can say that in the Bulgarian occupation zone, the Albanians did not enjoy even the basic human, national and civic rights.This is because the Bulgarian state, working in harmony with the plans of the Nazis, choose no other way than the fascist dictatorship. This systematic violence that Bulgaria did during the Second World War over the Albanian population was realized through the army of this country.In addition to the military, this form of violence was also realized through the Bulgarian state apparatus with its functions, as well as by the fascistorganizations operating in this country.All these efforts resulted in enormous consequences for the Albanian population of this part. Reports of displacements, murdering, imprisonmentsand tortureofAlbanianson thedailybasis, while the lack of Albanian schools, the lack of Albanian civil servants in the administration, the denial of national rights had become a practice followed by the official policy of the Bulgarian state.

Welcome to arguing with magyartard, the person who loses intellectual debates to tranita AND STILL pretends he won.




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The wrong with that is your animal-like behaviour, which you still can’t seem to understand why.

I BTFOd Traneeta so hard that he no longer even dares to argue with me :)

shto kur im e so pesnive dali firomci stvarno poluduvaat koa ke gi zaklucis 2 dena

>...the horrors actually began as soon as we crossed the old frontier. By five p.m. we were approaching Kumanovo. The sun had set, it was starting to get dark. But the darker the sky became, the more brightly the fearful illumination of the fires stood out against it. Burning was going on all around us. Entire Albanian villages had been turned into pillars of fire... In all its fiery monotony this picture was repeated the whole way to Skopje... For two days before my arrival in Skopje the inhabitants had woken up in the morning to the sight, under the principal bridge over the Vardar- that is, in the very centre of the town- of heaps of Albanian corpses with severed heads. Some said that these were local Albanians, killed by the komitadjis [cjetniks], others that the corpses were brought down to the bridge by the waters of the Vardar. What was clear was that these headless men had not been killed in battle.[81][73][80]
>Four soldiers held their bayonets in readiness and in their midst stood two young Albanians with their white felt caps on their heads. A drunken sergeant – a komitadji – was holding a kama (a Macedonian dagger) in one hand and a bottle of cognac in the other. The sergeant ordered: 'On your knees!' The petrified Albanians fell to their knees. 'To your feet!' They stood up. This was repeated several times. Then the sergeant, threatening and cursing, put the dagger to the necks and chests of his victims and forced them to drink some cognac, and then… he kissed them... Drunk with power, cognac and blood, he was having fun, playing with them as a cat would with mice. The same gestures and the same psychology behind them. The other three soldiers, who were not drunk, stood by and took care that the Albanians did not escape or try to resist, so that the sergeant could enjoy his moment of rapture. 'They're Albanians,' said one of the soldiers to me dispassionately. 'Hell soon put them out of their misery.',

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no longer even dares to post here*

Билo кoј ќe пoлyди зaтвopeн 4 дeнa.

he doesn't have animal-like behavior
he's a little pussy and he would never dare say shit to a bulgarian to his face because he'd get severe brain damage

>Most of the crimes happened between October 1912 and summer of 1913. The goal of the forced expulsions and massacres of ethnic Albanians was a statistic manipulation before the London Ambassadors Conference which was to decide on the new Balkan borders.[3][4][5] According to contemporary accounts, between 20,000 and 25,000 Albanians were killed or died because of hunger and cold during that period.[3][5][6] Many of the victims were children, women and old people and were part of an warfare of extermination.[7] Aside from massacres, some civilians had their lips and noses severed.[8]

Nobody argues with you anymore because you always lose but pretend you won anyway. It's just boring.

Copest of the copes.

Macedonia coronavirus lockdown starter pack:

>"Makedonski Patriotski pesni" youtube playlist
>3000 dB sound activated


0 self awareness right here

You BTFOd Tranita so much you turned into one.

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Unironically can't think of more than like 2 instances of me losing an argument here.

I literally crafted that bait to get a response like this