Have you ever visited Italy before? What city/town was it? What did you like? Did you find something you didn't expect? Was it safe there?
thanks lads
Have you ever visited Italy before? What city/town was it? What did you like? Did you find something you didn't expect? Was it safe there?
thanks lads
Went to Bologna in februari, right before the outbreak in Europe. Pretty comfy. The guys there are extremely thirsty incels though. they go clubbing exclusively to prey on women instead of having a good time.
I've also been to Rome, Firenze, Saturna, Venice (twice), Naples, ... everywhere really
Did you observe a noticeable North vs. South difference?
No i went there before reading into all the Yas Forums memes, so I didn't bother to pay attention to it
>going to clubbing to have a good time
There are plenty of better things to do
Just another europoor shithole really, although the architecture is a bit better than most.
i was in rome, milan and naples last summer and the north south difference is real. and big.
also pickpockets are next level from what my italian (!) friends told me.
the cuisine is fabulous no comparison to the italian food in germany, and the italian (!) criminals I had contact to in naples were polite.
>they go clubbing exclusively to prey on women instead of having a good time
If I want to have a good time I'd rather not go clubbing
I'm actually concerned about pickpockets and gypsies/migrants there. Was it only in touristy areas? Or all over in general?
t. incels
I cycled trough most of Italy, at least the big cities and locations one wants to see.
People were really nice, spent several nights in random farms who were extremely generous.
Always felt safe (besides in the midday traffic in Rome) and the weather was perfect the entire time. It's a really nice country.
bullshit intensifies.
I had a really good time. If you enjoy food, warm temperatures and beautiful flora and fauna (women) you will enjoy italy.
Naples, a sovl thirdworld city, charming but way too much
Implying that yours is so drastically different. The only ones that are allowed to call us shitholes are scandinavians and north America.
Just use racial profiling, gypsies are really easy to spot. Avoid them, if they come towards you ignore them and it will be alright. African and Indian/Paki streetsellers are harmless, although watch out for the African bracelet trick, where they will tie on your wrist a friendship bracelet and then ask you for money.
Istria belongs to Italy!
Imagine going to the nation with the most history and culture in the world just to do something you can do anywhere else in the world.
more likely, especially in Rome from what I've heard. But if you don't carry your valuables with you, you will propably be safe. A backpack or bag on the other hand doesn't really increase the chance of keeping your stuff.
In Naples i was in an area with a proportionately high migrant population. many of them looked like shady business, but those who stand out are more likely to sell drugs than to be pickpockets.
But keep in mind that there are millions of tourists each year, and i think nearly all of them come home again and had a good time. The chances of getting shot as a tourist are way higher in the united states. Just prepare your wallet and enjoy yourself
I've never seen a gypsy in my life. I really want to see Ortona. Do you think that city is safer than Napoli?
I went to the balcony of romeo and julliet in Verona by day and I partied at night. What is your problem Italoid?
England is literally a middle-eastern enclave though, especially London. Also grooming gangs aren't what I would call first world material.
this. but one doesn't exclude the other. you don't have to chose
gypsies send their kids to do these things and you'll recognize them from the smell
Every city in Italy is safe, there aren't no go zones like Whitechaper in the UK or the LA Skidrow in the US. The only dangers are found most likely in the night clubs, so if you go there mind your own business, don't deal with shady people and watch out who you hit on.
Italy is 1000 times safer than the US, just saying.
lol theres nothing to see there.
Lmao whitechapel is not a no go zone I go there all the time, 'no go zones' don't exist don't get your info from Yas Forums
All of the cities in Italy are safe, yes even Naples and Ortona
If you are not looking for troubles you won't find them
I burned my lips on coffee in Florence, pretty damn dangerous.
>right before the outbreak
It most likely was already in full effect.